Title: RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment Instrument: Research and Innovation actionTopic: Crisis management topic 7: Crises and disaster resilience – operationalizing resilience conceptsGrant Number: 653460Total...
Title: RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment Instrument: Research and Innovation action
Topic: Crisis management topic 7: Crises and disaster resilience – operationalizing resilience concepts
Grant Number: 653460
Total Cost: 3848581.25 euro
EC Contribution: 3848581 euro
Start Date: 1st May 2015
End date: 30 of April 2018
Duration: 36 months
Project Coordinator: University of Florence, DINFO department, DISIT Lab http://www.disit.org
Project Web Site: Http://www.resolute-eu.org , infores@resolute-eu.org
Key Words: resilience, smart city, urban transport system, European Resilience Management Guidelines, critical infrastructures
The challenge
Achieving a higher sustainability of operations in European Urban Transport Systems.
Project Objectives
• Systematic review and assessment of the state of the art of the resilience assessment and management concepts to develop a conceptual framework for creating/maintaining Urban Transport Systems
• Develop European Resilience Management Guidelines (ERMG)
• Operationalize and validate the ERMG by implementing the RESOLUTE Collaborative Resilience Assessment and Management Support Systems for Urban Transport Systems
• Enhance resilience through improved support of human decision making processes, particularly by training professionals and civil users on ERMG
• Adoption of the ERMG at EU and Associated Countries level
Adapt and adopt the identified concepts and methods from the ERMG, their operationalization and evaluation versus Urban Transport System
Expected Results (major)
• Reduce the risks for citizens and the time for taking the right decision
• Make the resilience assessment and management process easier and effective
• Establish coordination with all stakeholders involved in Urban Transport System resilience management
• Increase communication with citizens and authorities
-- Production of Ethics and Security report, project handbook, data management report.
-- identification of the project logo,
-- dissemination material: logo, flyer
-- State of the art analysis
-- web pages and web site now in draft
-- production of the ERMG guidelines
-- production of the ERMG guidelines adapted to urban transport system
-- set up of the Advisory Board
-- ERMG Advisory Stakeholder Board and User Forum set up and management report
-- dissemination performed on several occasions: conferences and workshops
-- production of the dissemination report and plan
Expected Results (major)
• Reduce the risks for citizens and the time for taking the right decision
• Make the resilience assessment and management process easier and effective
• Establish coordination with all stakeholders involved in Urban Transport System resilience management
• Increase communication with citizens and authorities
More info: http://www.resolute-eu.org.