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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIMEC (Cooperative ITS for Mobility in European Cities)


CIMEC is a city-focused project which explored the role that cooperative ITS systems (C-ITS) can play to support city authorities in managing their transport networks and the delivery of other transport-linked services. The deployment of C-ITS in cities has not kept pace with...


CIMEC is a city-focused project which explored the role that cooperative ITS systems (C-ITS) can play to support city authorities in managing their transport networks and the delivery of other transport-linked services.
The deployment of C-ITS in cities has not kept pace with the technological development, implying that deployment is being restrained by non-technical factors. CIMEC, as a CSA for this topic, aimed to support the accelerated take-up of C-ITS by increasing the alignment of technological solutions with user needs, thereby removing perceived barriers and risks in deployment.
CIMEC brought together key collaborative institutions, supported by a panel of core cities and by the European city network Polis. This meta-network has extensive experience in bringing together cities and suppliers to optimise ITS, and has specific expertise in a range of C-ITS at national and European level.
CIMEC has reached out to key stakeholder groups in cities around Europe, and has engaged with and reached out to traffic system suppliers in order to explore the potential for a rich and open market place for urban C-ITS.
The objectives of CIMEC were to:
 capture and document a set of realistic use cases for C-ITS in cities, supported by robust business cases
 identify practical project structures which enable the deployment of these use cases
 identify how emerging standards for C-ITS will affect, and should respond to, urban systems and processes
 show possible system architecture and workflow of C-ITS support systems
 promote multi-sector stakeholder dialogue, engagement and collaboration

The principal output is a Roadmap for city deployment of C-ITS which has been validated against user needs and technology maturity, captured in meaningful project descriptions. By developing a single, coherent narrative and communicating it effectively to all relevant stakeholder groups, this will ensure that standards, product development, project management, and policy goals are fully aligned across the European urban C-ITS context.

Work performed

Dialogue with local authorities, agencies and stakeholders and engagement with suppliers and other C-ITS stakeholders have been main activities during the first year of the CIMEC project.
Surveys and workshops were used to engage with authorities and stakeholders in cities across Europe.
The four partner cities hosted two workshops each during the first three months of 2016, with a total of 108 participants representing a wide range of stakeholders in European cities:
 A local workshop with a broad representation of stakeholders including representatives of transport and planning authorities, public transport and freight operators, emergency services, logistics trade union and chamber of commerce.
 A regional workshop with participants from small/medium sized cities.
A wide range of city-relevant Use Cases for C-ITS was identified through these surveys and workshops. These Use Cases were based on information about the cities’ transport-related challenges and strategies, as well as the prevalence of ITS applications, plans, requirements and barriers for further deployment of C-ITS.
To enhance the city participation beyond the workshops organised by the CIMEC city partners, the CIMEC City Pool was established as a forum to enable a wider gathering of input from cities on urban transport needs and requirements and opportunities for C-ITS deployment. During the project lifetime, three City Pool workshops have been held (London, March 2016; Barcelona, November 2016; Brussels, May 2017). The two first workshops were joint events with the CODECS project, and back-to-back with events of other H2020 projects, ensuring broad participation from a wide range of cities and stakeholders. The City Pool workshops have drawn participants representing 38 distinct local authorities (excluding partners) from 14 different countries.
A supplier database has been established, comprising large, small and medium sized ITS suppliers. Suppliers and other C-ITS stakeholders have been approached by means of survey, workshops and personal interviews, to collect information about emerging C-ITS products, the supplier’s views on benefits for cities and commercial expectations. Requirements for new/extended standards for were explored in a dedicated workshop.
The work on user needs and on supplier offerings has been brought together in activities aiming at developing a realistic, constructive and practical Roadmap for C-ITS in the urban area. This work built on a review of existing Roadmaps - both the theory and how they have been applied to C-ITS historically, and participation in the city- and supplier-related activities. The Roadmap for city deployment of C-ITS has been validated against user needs and technology maturity by CIMEC partners as well as city authorities and stakeholders taking part in the early CIMEC workshops and surveys. A draft version of the Roadmap was the topic of separate workshops in each of the four CIMEC partner’s cities, and the final version was further discussed in the final City Pool workshop.
The main CIMEC findings and events and all public CIMEC deliverables have been published on the CIMEC web site. The CIMEC Newsletter has been distributed by email to a large number of representatives of city authorities, stakeholders and suppliers participating in surveys and workshops conducted in the project, and through the local, national and Europe-wide networks of the CIMEC partners. The findings and outputs of CIMEC have been brought into the European policy and deployment arenas such as the EC C-ITS Deployment Platform - Urban WG, CEN and ETSI standardisation committees, the Amsterdam group, H2020 and CEF projects, etc. All CIMEC partners have identified actions further exploitation of the CIMEC findings and outcome.

Final results

\"Through city-focused multi-sector stakeholder discussions and processes, the CIMEC project activities have contributed to raising awareness and providing a basis for better understanding of the challenges, enablers and barriers and strategies for use of C-ITS solutions in European cities. This knowledge contributes to bridging the gap between C-ITS development and deployment in cities.
The Roadmap for deployment of C-ITS in European cities is the principal output of the CIMEC activities. This Roadmap brings together key outputs of the early CIMEC project activities, including city requirements for C-ITS, main barriers and how these can be overcome, a set of realistic use cases for urban C-ITS, as well as outline business cases and an overview of anticipated market developments of C-ITS. The Roadmap further provides recommendations for cities on how to approach implementation of C-ITS infrastructure, and for national and European policymakers on actions which could help to ease issues which constraints the cities in their effort to deploy C-ITS. The latter includes development of an evidence base for proven benefits of urban C-ITS, clarification of legal aspects related to urban C-ITS services and solutions, and provision of support mechanisms for the uptake of C-ITS in cities; both finding and technical advice on good practice regarding implementation.
The CIMEC Roadmap for city deployment of C-ITS is the first of its kind dedicated to conveying the \"\"the voice of the cities\"\" into the arena of C-ITS.

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