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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EASY (ECO-INNOVATE-AQUACULTURE-SYSTEM)


The commitment to sustainability, traceability and quality of the final product are the main concerns of the company, in order to obtain a product with its own identity. Following the desire to innovate and explore new products that may have its place in the market, Tilamur...


The commitment to sustainability, traceability and quality of the final product are the main concerns of the company, in order to obtain a product with its own identity.
Following the desire to innovate and explore new products that may have its place in the market, Tilamur raised the challenge of combining the cultivation of vegetables and fish in the same closed environment. The result of this experience was a perfect symbiosis between aquaculture and hydroponics, generating a 100% sustainable food.
With EASY project supported by the SME Instrument, TILAMUR will support the development of organic aquaculture feed formula for Tilapia fishes completely excluding fishmeal and fish oil in its composition. It will provide to the end user a cheaper price for higher quality and traceability products. It will also reinforce the European aquaculture ecosystem towards Global aquaculture competitors.
TILAMUR products will distribute in several European countries thanks to stakeholders among important European retailer chains such as El Corte Inglés (Spain), Tesco (U.K.), Morrison (U.K.), Ahold (Netherlands) and Lidl (Germany).
The main objective of the EASY project is the use of new technology aimed at developing feed for a more sustainable and more profitable aquaculture, thereby achieving lower production costs and the capability to supply new European customers who opt for new products committed to the environment rather than those from the Asian market. This technology, is based on an innovative, sustainable and inclusive system that combines the most modern techniques in the field of biotechnology and hydroponics. The result is to promote European aquaculture creating new products for the market and new jobs in countries heavily dependent on fishing. In order to follow these guidelines, this project has developed an innovative focused on the development of organic aquaculture feed formula. This formula completely excludes fishmeal and fish oil in its composition, and makes up to 50% cheaper production costs in our product (Tilapia fresh), allowing Tilamur SME to provide the end user, a product with high quality, traceability and profitability.

Work performed

The final report for phase II of the EASY project has been developed keeping in mind two variables: on the one hand, the volume of tilapia production and on the other hand, the results obtained through the feasibility study for the elaboration of fish food.
-Technical design : Developed by ETW (Tilapia production plant ), ITC Technical Institute of Canarias ( Spirulina production plant), ROS CONESA SL. (Elaboration feed plant) and TILAMUR ( Hydroponics quinoa plant).
-Cost Study :Tilamur. -
- Patents Study: Developed by PONS. Main result :Free to operate
-Feasibility Study: Developed by University of Murcia. - Main result : Has proved to be an alternative and feasible food source rich in protein and so suitable to feed farm animals including fish

Final results

1 Year after project completion 2 Year after project completion 3 Year after project completion

Turnoner (Euros) 2.694.000 4.687.550 6.125.000
Employment 12 12 25

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