In March 2015, IHT successfully presented the novel concept’s idea of SoHo3X to the Phase 1 of SME Instrument call to drive its launch to the market. The acting lines of the current feasibility plan were based on the excellence of SoHo3X, still prototype at that time...
In March 2015, IHT successfully presented the novel concept’s idea of SoHo3X to the Phase 1 of SME Instrument call to drive its launch to the market. The acting lines of the current feasibility plan were based on the excellence of SoHo3X, still prototype at that time, against its competitor’s (conventional flat silicon PV solar module):
• With respect to conventional PV, the new product has the potential to reduce manufacturing costs by 38% through cheaper material (made completely in plastics except for the silicon cell) and reduction of solar cell area (one of the main cost drivers of solar modules).
• It also increases performance ratio of a PV plant up to 91% due to the higher light trapping in the morning and the evening.
Making of SoHo3X, already at that time, a serious opponent to substitute traditional PV and rapidly reaching an important market share.
On the basis of these reasons, since March IHT has been deeply involved in many different activities to materialize the good results obtained from our prototypes built and lab-tested under industry relevant conditions (sun simulator) by the University of Cadiz (UCA) last February.
To study how to best implement all of the above, the main objective of the present project was to carry out a feasibility study of the introduction in the market of product SoHo3X.
On the technical side, the final feasibility study focuses on the following main objectives:
- Determine the PV market’s technical trends and how SoHo3X fulfils them.
- Having found an alternative for IEC certificate.
- Confirm good results of SoHo3X by other institutions of international relevance.
- Expand list of suppliers for key raw materials.
- Define the ideal dimensions of SoHo3X’s final commercial version.
- Analyse technical risks of the product and define strategies to overcome them.
- Define appropriate Intellectual Property (IP) strategy.
- Identify potential industrial partners and define strategy to co-operate with them.
On the economic side, the main objectives of the feasibility study were:
- Define which market segments within the PV market are more appropriate for initial deployment.
- Analyse potential customers within those segments and define a list of “best targetsâ€.
- Identify potential business partners (investors) and business strategy to follow with them.
- Gather more information to decide whether to manufacture modules or sub-license patent.
- Analyse risks of the market and define strategies to overcome them.
If we look back to the objectives planned in Phase 1, we would be able to summarize the experience and where we are with respect to each of them right after our feasibility plan realization:
- Objective: Start-up of a semi-manual module assembly process during 2015. 100 kWp are expected during this period. IHT has already searched for an industrial ally, the multinational industrial company Rubanox.
We, ourselves, have successfully implemented a semi industrial production line to manufacture SoHo3X production line in Sondika (North of Spain), as a better alternative, in order to define the most efficient production line for our new concept along with Mondragon Assembly and be able to transfer to other players, including our alliance with Rubanox. As we experienced during the EU PVSEC Congress, SoHo3X raised interest among several prestigious solar panel manufactures in the market (REC, Panasonic).
The first manufacturing objective in this line would be the 100kWp for the reference plants, planned before the end of the year. The delay in finishing the 100kWp before, according to the Phase 1 SME document, is due to the PMMA extrusion since we did not take into account the water-tightness problems that we have faced during last months. Nowadays, those extrusion problems have been resolved and we are continuing with our plans for delivering to the customers and CENER the rest of the devices.
- Objective: Certification of SoHo3X by IEC standards, in order to obtain bankability.
Certification is in progress. First, we have to end the 100kWp, to provide random samples for the test. In spite of the above, we consider that the objective is fulfilled with the good results obtained from the international lab results and the field results.
- Objective: Optimize production process together with Rubanox to have a 40 MWp production line during 2016.
Optimization of the production process is currently the main aim for IHT. We are investing own resources along with Mondragon Assembly and IHT Desarrollo, S.A. (our industrial lab in Sondika). A semi-manual process is already up and running, which has already given us enough information to optimize a production process.
- Objective: Increase in capacity and production up to 60 MWp in 2017, increasing employment to 80 people.
We have already increased our team in the past 4 months in 6 people and plan in growing 80 new employments for the next 2 years.
On the technical side, the feasibility study has focused on the following main objectives:
- Objective: Determine the PV market’s technical trends and how SoHo3X fulfils them.
BIPV has been contrasted as a new trend, and also isolated, off-grid systems and residential systems are increasingly wanted. This confirms that our business plan is on the right track.
- Objective: Confirm good results of SoHo3X by other institutions of international relevance.
We have successful results on our SoHo3X from the following renowned solar entities: CENER in Spain, the Spanish Institute for Solar Energy (IES) at the Polytechnic University in Madrid, French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES), TÃœV Rheinland in Germany and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in laboratory reports. Apart from that we have received a report from our outdoor test in Abengoa and it confirms the lab results as well.
- Objective: Expand list of suppliers for key raw materials.
We have established strategical alliances with strong companies in their fields, as per the example of Evonik, Plasticos Alai, Kodak, Zink, Innoviscoat, Juncà , TOPSKY Electronics Technology, as main suppliers for the SoHo3X production. Due the expected growth, we have expanded list of supplier for each key account.
- Objective: Define the ideal dimensions of SoHo3X’s final commercial version.
As exposed above, we have defined ideal dimensions of SoHo3X and final commercial version based on the market study. Willing to reach all the different segments with just one product and the modularit
The final results have already been presented: the product has shown a high potential to be well accepted in different PV market segments, which have been studied. Key partners have been identified and contacted for many levels, including manufacturing, sales channels and innovation possibilities. Trends in the PV sector indicate that the product, only one format for all segments, will be very welcome, especially in the BIPV, residential and off-grid segments. Also, Japan and the US have been identified as the first market targets.
The action is framed within the low-carbon energy sources, reaches cost reduction potential from already existing solutions, and new solutions where current solar products are flurry to use (for instance, pico-PV). The societal impact is therefore expected to be important especially for these new solutions. Also, 4 direct employments have been created within the action.
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