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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Key Cloud (Mobile phone as a Key - A new access ecosystem for 112, service companies and citizens “Key Cloud”)


Lukoton Experience Oy (“Lukoton”) has developed a solution that fits most typical locking solutions, virtualizes the mechanical key for multiple simultaneous users and makes the key distributable over the Internet at a very low incremental cost. The solution consists of a...


Lukoton Experience Oy (“Lukoton”) has developed a solution that fits most typical locking solutions, virtualizes the mechanical key for multiple simultaneous users and makes the key distributable over the Internet at a very low incremental cost. The solution consists of a lock controlling module, mobile phone application and access control back-end system (Key Cloud).

This solution has been applied to the home/elderly care business in Finland before and now with help of the H2020 SME project for Rescue Department (112), building owners and building service companies. The main targets of the feasibility study was to test 112 market entry model of the innovation, find new partners & channels and potential markets, fine-tune the business model and pricing logic with customers, list technical development needs and update the business plan.

Work performed

The business model was tested in practice in Finland and at the same time we conducted a survey in eight EU countries. In Finland we interviewed several stakeholders, piloted the solution (minimum viable product) with customers, presented the innovation in few fairs and pitched the idea in several events. We set up a new web site for the innovation and a local media has published three stories about the whole case. We also studied in more detail the markets in two selected EU countries and analyzed more deeply two competitors.

Final results

As a conclusion, the Key Cloud Project Phase 1 has met its objectives well. During the project we were able to verify that the market need is real and growing. We found couple of new growth pockets and selected two countries that will act as our spearheads for our internationalization. We also verified that our technical solutions work and can be extended to other lock types. In discussions with potential users, new features, services and access methods to complement our solution came up. It is now clear that Key Cloud is a unique offering, there is a growing demand for it and the overall approach is very competitive. As a conclusion, Lukoton will continue the R&D and commercialization activities according to the strategy and roadmap created in this Key Cloud project, part of that being Phase 2 of the SME instrument.

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