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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SPCCT (In Vivo Spectral Photon Counting CT Molecular Imaging in Cardio- and Neuro-Vascular Diseases)


Spectral Photon Counting CT European Project: SPCCT, a project that heralds a new generation of scanners enabling early diagnosis in neurology and cardiology.Spectral Photon Counting CT is a new and promising imaging modality based on a new energy resolving detector...


Spectral Photon Counting CT European Project: SPCCT, a project that heralds a new generation of scanners enabling early diagnosis in neurology and cardiology.

Spectral Photon Counting CT is a new and promising imaging modality based on a new energy resolving detector technology. A 4 year collaborative European Project led by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 was selected and granted (6.4 M€) under the “Horizon 2020” European Research and Innovation program. The SPCCT project using a unique Philips prototype involves 11 European partners and will last 48 months from January 2016 to December 2019.

Computed Tomography is the most widely used imaging method in the world and has transformed patient care. Spectral Photon Counting CT is a new imaging modality based on the usual CT concept with the key difference of energy resolving detector technology. The additional spectral information can be used for material separation and can deliver additional, new contrast with clinically relevant new information. The most important novel capability of Spectral CT is K-Edge imaging for selective and quantitative detection of specific elements including among others iodine, gold, bismuth, gadolinium or ytterbium. The full potential of Spectral CT can be exploited in combination with targeted contrast materials carrying a payload with a compatible K-edge.

This multidisciplinary project at the interface between medicine, biology, and high-end technology is composed by academic and industrial European partners involved in this project namely Lyon University (Université Claude Bernard Lyon ; UCBL, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, (The Netherlands), University of Turin (Italy), King’s College London (UK), Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc of Brussels (Belgium), Philips Medical Systems Technologies (Israel), Philips Research (Germany) and Bracco Imaging (Italy).

Work performed

The first results with a preclinical spectral photon counting CT prototype comprised improvement of detector technology and dedicated images reconstruction algorithm, assessement of the actual sensitivity threshold of classical contrast media such as Gadolinium and iodine and new types of contras media such as Gold, Holmium, Bismuth. Development of new specific contrast agents ( nano particles of Gd, of iodine, combine with specific ligands dedicated to a large spectrum of application particularly in neurology, cardiovascular and imaging in small animals were already performed during first tree year including vascular imaging heart, brain and kidney perfusion imaging (Fig 2). Delivery of a functional clinical Spectral CT acquisition system was achieved end of 2018, including new detector developments and data processing, but also energy dependent image reconstruction. Development and scaling up of target specific contrast agents dedicated to a large spectrum of application particularly in neurology, cardiovascular and imaging in larger animals and in humans are planned for the last years of the project.

Final results

This will prepare the evolution of this technology towards non-radioactive intrinsically simultaneous anatomo-molecular imaging with CT in humans as a cost effective and safe new imaging modality. The expected gains for both patients and the health system are considerable, cardiology and neurovascular diseases representing over 20% of health costs.

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