In Turkey data on occupational diseases are scarce and a large majority of occupational diseases go unreported. The lack of data is the main reason that the prevention of occupational and work-related diseases is lagging behind. The Public Health Institution of Turkey ( PHIT)...
In Turkey data on occupational diseases are scarce and a large majority of occupational diseases go unreported. The lack of data is the main reason that the prevention of occupational and work-related diseases is lagging behind. The Public Health Institution of Turkey ( PHIT) wishes to improve the scientific capabilities of it\'s staff in this field with the support of VUmc, Gent University and TNO in this three year project.
The overall objective of ESPrIT is to strengthten the scientific and innovative capacity of the Public Health Institution of Turkey in the specific field of occupational health and work-related diseases.
Tasks that have been successfully performed in the first interim period of 15 months are:
A Kick off Seminar was successfully held, reaching approximately 65 Turkish stakeholders on 11.02.2016. A logo, banner and brochure were produced to inform Turkish and international stakeholders about the project.
Two workshops took place in order to analyze the specific needs and assets of GDPH, one in Ankara (March 2016), one in Leiden (April 2016). Relevant books and articles were translated to Turkish, made available in a repository (open access), and on the training page of ESPrIT project. In December 2016 a scientific research roadmap is prepared to carry out research ultimately to write scientific publications. A scientific advisory board was established with lead Turkish and international researchers to give feedback on the content and progress of the research road map.
A selection of 46 PHIT professionals (mixed background) participated successfully in 5 different trainings. This basic scientific core group was first trained along a programme on occupational health for 5 working days and 5 homework days in order to have common understanding on occupational health and diseases, basic research and statistical skills. Subsequently, this group was divided in two: Group A on scientific research skills & methodologies and Group B on diagnosis and surveillance of occupational diseases. Following these 5 day trainings trainings, two parallel workshops of 2 days each were organized to exchange and share experiences. After the workshops the training programmes were finalized: Training materials (programs, schedules, manuals, pover point presentations and assignments) were prepared by TNO, VUmc and UGent and uploaded to the training page of the ESPrIT website (
Finally, 24 participants were selected out of the 46 to form a third group which followed a train-the-trainer program of 5 days. A series of exchange visits is scheduled for the end of April 2017 (Belgium) and at the beginning of May 2017 (Netherlands). The second and third exchange visits were held 04-08 December 2017 in VUmc, the Netherlands and on 09-03 April 2018 in Gent University, Belgium.
Furthermore, an extended case study started on ICD 11 beta version (International classification of diseases). The content of the case study is to find ways in which PHIT can connect in recent developments related to the classification of occupational diseases.
PHIT joined the Modernet network and was present at a Modernet meeting in Prague in October. Recently, approximately 30 participants of the ESPrIT trainings joined the International Occupational and Environmental Diseases Congress in Antalya (March 2017) and at this conference the ESPrIT consortium organised two workshops, one on informing the audience about the status of the project and one on \'\'Listing and Classification of Occupational Diseases: ILO List of Occcupational Diseases and ICD-11\'\'. See
Tasks that have been successfully performed in the second interim period of 21 months are:
Within the scope of the third work package, the visits for sharing of information and experience took place in Belgium and the Netherlands between 23 April 2017 and 6 May 2017. During these visits, the occupational health and safety practices in general and the occupational disease surveillance, protection and prevention activities particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands were reviewed.
At the end of the visits, 2 reports and 1 article were prepared; 1. A Report on the Comparative Study of Occupational Diseases Registration Practices and Surveillance in Turkiye, Belgium and The Netherlands, 2. Recommendation Report on Practices Concerning Registration and Surveillance of Occupational Diseases in Turkey, 3. Prevention of occupational diseases: lessons from different occupational health surveillance systems.
Within the scope of WP4, exchange visits were held on 01-05 May 2017 and 04-08 December 201
The collection of reliable data is essential for public health officials to plan intervention programmes to prevent occupational diseases. The data will provide input for cost/effectiveness studies that allow conclusions on the most cost-efficient ways to promote occupational health in Turkey. Ultimately, employers and workers as well as their children being served by the PHIT will have less health complaints in their life. Healthy workers will be more productive and this will result in better economic results and a higher commitment to work.
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