The final result of the project will be 2 pilot magnets necessary for HI-LUMI LHC. Even if the objects of our R&D procurement aredesigned for the specific requirements of the LHC machine and for its improved luminosity target, the overall technology entailingtheir designs and...
The final result of the project will be 2 pilot magnets necessary for HI-LUMI LHC. Even if the objects of our R&D procurement are
designed for the specific requirements of the LHC machine and for its improved luminosity target, the overall technology entailing
their designs and manufacturing, and the procurement process we are piloting, will provide benefits to other R&D programs, to
other accelerator designs and even in more general terms, to all the magnet and superconductivity technologies and market.
A common set of concerted technical specifications, using the different specific expertise and know-how of each of the
procurement partners in the consortia, will align the scope and requirements (technical and administrative) aggregating and
harmonizing the demand, and making different magnets as the same example valid to address the common challenge. On the
basis of the common set of concerted technical specifications, at functional level, a unified and harmonized tender procedure will
be prepared, which could be arranged to finalize different variants, or examples, of magnet. Examples of the R&D result effort
could be, but are not exlusively limited to, quadrupole for beam focussing.
Open Market Consultation was held on 30.03.2016. and especially the preparation of tender documentation (Technical functional specification, Framework Contract, and Annex 9) has progressed as planned, with the target to issue the tender by June 2016.
Indeed, the RfT was issued according to plan, including the review from EC. We received, at the deadline for submission of bids, on July 26, 2016, 4 valid offers. The evaluations of bids was performed between mid July and September 2016, with a report issued by JTEC recommending to STC the approval for selection of 4 bidders. All this is well and fully detailed in deliverable D1.2. Since November 2016, the project has started the full implementation of phase 1, solution design. A careful following-up of the work has been managed by the Buyers Group, with regular meetings at the different contractor premises. A mid-phase review meeting was held in CERN, with all the 4 contractors, in order to fine tune and steer the design activity, and to clarify the full process. The Contractors have all terminated the phase 1 according to time plan, by handling a Final Report, which includes the deliverables specified in our contractual documentation. These reports have been assessed according to the procedure, for eligibility to payments, and for eligibility to access to phase 2.
The comprehensive assessment of the 4 Contractor phase 1 work has been performed by JTEC, with PMT contribution, and an Evaluation Report with final recommendations, has been issued by JTEC and PMT, and has been submitted to STC on April 10th, 2017, and will be submitted to EC on April 24th for final approval. These all resulted in approvals to issuing the Work Orders for phase 2 during the month of July.
The Phase 1 of the project has provided indications that innovation has been generated in the design of the QUACO magnet. Companies participating to phase 1, have proposed unconventional and/or optimized designs solutions that could, in principle, provide benefits in terms of cost of mechanical tooling and time of manufacturing. Companies have also proposed improvements into the software tools able to optimise the design.
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