Researchers’ Night (RN), organised already ten times in Poznań, has become during the years highly recognisable autumn event for both public at large not only in Poznań, but also in the Wielkopolska region. The assessment of impact of previous RN editions continuously...
Researchers’ Night (RN), organised already ten times in Poznań, has become during the years highly recognisable autumn event for both public at large not only in Poznań, but also in the Wielkopolska region. The assessment of impact of previous RN editions continuously shows a positive change of the public perception of researchers, as well as improved mutual understanding between researchers and public. The event also indirectly results in increasing interest in choosing scientific careers by young people. Moreover, activities during the Night contribute to demystifying existing stereotypes by stating that researchers are just ordinary people, having extraordinary job, but also families, friends, hobbies, etc. The EVERYDAYNIGHT project aims at strengthening efforts to bringing researchers closer to the public at large, increase the awareness of research and innovation, by supporting the public recognition of researchers and their job, clearly showing the impact of researchers’ work on society’ daily life and well-being of the European citizens. It also aims at encouraging young people especially about making a career choice to embark on scientific careers. As a result of the project, the perception of researchers as ordinary people willing to share their passion for research with the public at large, will increase among the society, being in accordance with the European motto of the event: Researchers are amongst us.
The project has reached its objectives and proved to be successful.
\"WP 1: Main target: Public at large regardless of age and scientific background, namely all inhabitants of Greater Poland (not only Poznań and its surroundings);Special attention to be paid to children and young people, especially about making a career choice;
Overview of the results: Conception, production and display of promotional material: programmes and posters displayed to schools, departments, institutions of Wielkopolska region, banners, roll-ups in partner\'s premises (in particular during press conference), maps displayed in central points during the event, diplomas rewarding competition winners; Public advertising: display of posters on the poster pillars in the city centre, city light boards in the key parts of Poznan, city lights, banners, city scroll boars, Led screens ;Publication of advertisements in the written press: 125 publications;Information boards displayed in central points during the event;Honorary patronage by president of Poznan, Jacek Jaśkowiak, Polish Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Marshall Office of the Wielkopolska Region;Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website:;146.891 hits on the website, 29.802 unique users (September 2017);Revamping and constant updating of social network profiles (Facebook);7.019 likes on Facebook;Posting of electronic banners on,,,,,, ;Production and display of promotional give away such as T-shirts, fluorescent sticks, silicone wristbands, fluorescent stickers, notebooks, penlight key rings with logo…;Estimated 2,2 million people made aware of the European Researchers Night and its objectives.
WP 2: General statistics: Estimated number of visitors (including all 6 locations in Poznan):59.000; Number of workshops, shows and demonstrations: 452; Duration of the event:12;Number of researchers :1240; numbers of researchers supported by UE (MSC Actions, Horizon 2020) 37; Detailed programme: Each one of Partners has detailed programme with similar category of activities: \"\"Presentations and prototype zone\"\";\"\"Cirme investigations zone\"\"; \"\"Riddles solved by participants in cooperation with researchers\"\"; \"\"Speed dating\"\"; \"\"Charades and puns\"\"; \"\"Workshops; Hobbies of students\"\": Science shows/ demonstrations; European Stand\"\".\"
Overview of the results
- Collection, analysis and processing of 1050 feedbacks under the form of questionnaires;
- Main conclusions: Typology of visitors: 63 % female and 37 % male, 84% residents of Wielkopolska Province, 3% from other provinces while 13% unknown, largest group from the city of Poznan (38% of the respondents); Knowledge about the event: most frequently teachers (like in the previous RN action) 42,1%, and most rarely from the mass media (12,7%); Opinion about researchers: highly important, since they help teach others and enable others to better understand the world (more than 54%) and contribute to technological progress (52,1%); while they shouldn\'t get too much involved in politics; Over 60% respondents more interested in research in the future fafter having participated in the events; Overall appreciation of the event: (activities, contacts with researchers, venues and location, scheduling, concrete organisation)average mark rather high and amounted to 4,29 out of 5 points; (about 60% loved RN; 22% enjoyed it; about 8% was not satisfied)
Possible improvements: More experiments offered; More activities without need of booking;, Improved booking system; Longer duration of the event;Booking confirmation one day prior to the event; Improved transportation offer.
Increased awareness among the general public of the importance of research and innovation and more favourable general attitude towards its funding Improvement of the public perception of the researchers: researchers increasingly perceived as ordinary people having passions and interests; Tackling existing stereotypes about research and researchers; Increasing number of researchers willing to share with the public not only with their passion for research, but also their hobbies and dreams; Better understanding of the key benefits that research brings to society; Increased awareness about research\'s impact on competiveness, growth, employment and citizens\' well-being; Clearer understanding of scientists\' contribution to technological progress and science breakthroughs; Improved perception of the surrounding world thanks to science and scientists; Increased interest for science careers considered as interesting and useful for citizens\' daily lives; General appreciation of the way through which science is presented during the events; Increased interest for science careers amongst young people: Over 50 % of young people indicating their interest in a career in science after having taken part in the activities; Over 50 % of young people considering researchers as intelligent, creative, innovative people having a very interesting job;Reduction of the number of people considering scientists as closed in their little world of ideas and research.
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