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MMBio project deliverables

The page lists 3 deliverables related to the research project "MMBio".

 List of Deliverables

MMBio: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Summer School

A five day summer school, open to the public, will be organised by beneficiary KI entitled Nucleic Acids in Therapy

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2016

download deliverable 

Other 2020-03-11

Website, ESR webpages and Moodle operational

Website, ESR webpages and Moodle operational

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2016

download deliverable 

Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-11

Science communication course

(month 8): a Science Communication course that develops their skills in conveying complex scientific ideas to a general audience, and provide the technical skills to prepare videos and podcasts will be provided.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2016

download deliverable 

Other 2020-03-11