XP-RESILIENCE intends to establish a network of individual research projects working towards Advanced Modelling and Protection – via metamaterial-based isolators/layouts- of Complex Engineering Systems for Disaster Reduction and Resilient Communities.
XP-RESILIENCE intends to establish a network of individual research projects working towards Advanced Modelling and Protection – via metamaterial-based isolators/layouts- of Complex Engineering Systems for Disaster Reduction and Resilient Communities.
This report covers the scientific, training, networking, management, dissemination and outreach activities carried on from M1 to M24 within the XP-RESILIENCE project. The most important progresses achieved so far can be summarised as follows:
• The kick-off meeting took place on M1 in Trento (Italy) at the coordinator’s premises as foreseen in the DoA. During the meeting the Consortium Agreement was adopted and the Supervisory Board, the Management Board, the Educational Board, the Independent Advisory Board and the Scientific Board were elected.
• The 1st meeting of the Supervisory Board was organised right after the kick-off meeting to decide the Recruitment Procedure to be implemented.
• The XP-RESILIENCE Website (https://r.unitn.it/en/dicam/xp-resilience), a dedicated Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/XpResilience/) and a Twitter Account (https://twitter.com/XpResilience) were created on M6.
• Three deliverables on Ethic Requirements were submitted on M6 (Requirement No.1-Measures to prevent malevolent/criminal/terrorist abuse of research funding; Requirement No.2 - Ethical standards and guidelines; Requirement No.3 - Facilities authorisations).
• Prof. Jamie E. Padgett from Rice University (Texas, USA), a world class female expert in the field of risk and resilience of complex systems, was appointed by the network as Scientific Coordinator in the Scientific Board. Prof. Padgett stipulated a visiting research contract with UNITN on M10 (til the end of the XP-RESILIENCE project) and started actively participating in the research training program by giving lectures in the main events organised by the network and collaborating with the recruited research fellows.
• All 14 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) foreseen in the DoA were recruited by M13. Once recruited, an internal skype meeting among ESRs was organised in order to appoint three representatives for the Supervisory Board, the Educational Board and the Scientific Board respectively.
• The 2nd meeting of the Supervisory Board took place on M13 in Gliwice (Poland) and a Training and Recruitment Assessment were the main milestones achieved.
• The 1st Progress Report was submitted on M13.
• The Mid-term Meeting took place on M21 in Trento (Italy) and saw the participation of the coordinator, the project officer, all beneficiaries and the 14 ESRs.
• The Early Stage Researchers Meeting: Finding Collaborations took place on M23 in Prague (Czech Republic) and was attended by all ESRs.
• Five major training events were organised:
=> the “1st International summer school on mechanics and performance of resilient structures and infrastructuresâ€, Trento, Italy, 03-07 July 2017
=> the workshop “Risk-targeted seismic design: GMPEs, data-driven nonlinear modelling of steel components, practice-oriented design checksâ€, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27-28 October 2017
=> the workshop “Seismic resilience of energy supply infrastructuresâ€, Patras, Greece, 12-13 April 2018
=> the “1st International project management workshopâ€, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg, 26-28 June 2018
=> the workshop “Risk and resilience of industrial installations against natural threats and mitigation strategies†organized within the ASME PVP 2018 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-20 July 2018
• Eight specialised training courses were delivered:
=> Computational methods for the seismic assessment of structures, Rome, Italy, 18-25 September 2017
=> Academic writing for the sciences and engineering, Trento, Italy, 28 April - 31 May 2017
=> Basics in research project management, Trento, Italy, 20 June - 28 July 2017
=> Numerical methods for nonlinear structural dynamics, Rennes, France, 8-12 January 2018
=> Numerical methods for fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, Trento, Italy, 15-16 February 2018
=> Economics to enhance communications and trust within a community (e-learning training), Luxembourg, 26-28 June 2018
=> Principles and applications of ethics (e
XP-RESILIENCE is conceiving a novel methodology to estimate process plants resilience. The method allows to compute in a rapid manner all variables of interest, including initial capacity losses after disruption has occurred, economic losses including reconstruction cost and business interruption costs, the length of the recovery interval and time trend of capacity recovery. The proposed method thus can be a useful decision-making tool for facility planners and emergency managers.
We are also offering both successful university education and professional training. In view of an effective process safety education, we are involving the ESRs to a systematized literature review, made of scientific papers, professional articles and so-called grey literature.
In the light of the prevention of major accidents in process industry, XP-RESILIENCE is seeking for more collaboration in the field of process safety/resilience education, thereby also involving government agencies and/or control authorities and inspection bodies.
More info: http://r.unitn.it/en/dicam/xp-resilience.