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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HyproCell (Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production)


Laser-based Additive Manufacturing (LBAM) fits well with individualized production on demand, due to its ability to transform digital designs directly into physical products and thus enabling the small size lots fabrication. Last years, LBAM has drawn an enormous surge of...


Laser-based Additive Manufacturing (LBAM) fits well with individualized production on demand, due to its ability to transform digital designs directly into physical products and thus enabling the small size lots fabrication. Last years, LBAM has drawn an enormous surge of industrial interest and has grown significantly. Metal AM machines market is witnessing now a critical and emerging moment, however it is not yet competitive on a larger scale especially because parts are usually considerably more expensive than conventionally produced ones and the production speed is not as rapid as promised: Significant down times linked to machine adjustment from one lot to other (time lost when material needs to be changed, laser downtimes due to part cooling and base plate preparation and extraction, parts handling needs operator intervention, and others). On the other hand, usually, parts require post-processing treatments to meet customer requirements.
Additionally there is improper integration of these post processing and other conventional -subtractive, and also the complementary processes with LBAM, making difficult product and process traceability.
In HYPROCELL two LBAM technologies will be addressed: Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Laser Metal Deposition (LMD). HYPROCELL has direct technological and industrial impacts, as well as indirect environmental and social ones. All of them are timely considering the need to increase Europe’s competitiveness in global markets, comply with environmental policies and creation of highly skilled jobs.
- Technological impact: Development and integration of new hardware and software technologies. Moreover, added-value software layers to be developed will unlock the production of small-individualized lots.
- Industrial impact: Intelligent integration of production cells, combining subtractive and additive manufacturing techniques for efficient, flexible and high-throughput production of individualized small lots. This is a key factor for increasing the contribution of the AM sector to European growth and prosperity.
- Environmental impact: Enabling more efficient production operations for end-users reduces the environmental impact of production processes. Two particular impacts supported by HYPROCELL are the reduction of transport and rejections that lead to less material waste and scrap. The HYPROCELL is also aligned with the energy reduction drivers as per the FoF guidelines.
- Social and Other impact: HyProCell outputs have an important societal dimension considering the number of jobs depending on manufacturing industries.
In order to achieve the goals and to reduce the gaps and problems detected on Metal LBAM Industries, and to generate the desired and previously identified impacts, the HyProCell Project has two main objectives:
- To develop and demonstrate a new concept of multiprocess production cell, with emphasis in the ICT gaps and exploiting the expertise and background of laser based manufacturing; and
- To implement them at industrial level and validate them in real settings (03 pilot facilities) by manufacturing real parts allowing direct measurement of achievable benefits.

Work performed

\"The first reporting period covers from Month 0 to 18. During this time, different technical and dissemination activities were carried out, particularly in WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP8 with different intensities. Objectives defined on WP2 (User´s Case definition, Modular System Architecture-MSA and Manufacturing Execution System-MES specifications, design of pilot facilities and their related hybrid production cells) were totally achieved during this reporting period. In the Figure 1 the final scheme of SLM sub-pilots (#01 and #02, in Poly-shape and RAMEM respectively) are show.
The LMD pilot facility (#03) at Autodesk focusses more on the hybrid LBAM process and the CAx integration and does not need as much automation (e.g. use of robot arm) as SLM pilots, as the whole hybrid manufacturing process should run in one machine with special mounting device and 3D scanning system specific for the ABB Use Case. The layout of the LMD pilot is show in Figure 2.
In WP3 the first technical activity (concept of data container for storing design, manufacturing and statistical data) was done. In the 3rd technical committee meeting in Aachen (April 2018) Autodesk held a workshop with end-users and machine manufacturers within HyProCell to define this topic.
For the WP4 (electro-mechanical and communication standards, part handling systems, and modular architecture) the three first tasks are already finished and the last technical task is in progress and soon to finalize, this is the testing and validation of Modular Architecture System.
For WP5 (LBAM machines adaption for further integration) Task 5.1 (AM machines re-design for working within the integrated production cell) has been carried out, and Task 5.2 (SLM and Hybrid LMD machines adaptation) is still in progress and expected to finish by the end of July 2018. Figure 4 show the work plan carried out and the identification of the means of verification for the milestone reached in WP5.
The WP6 is running now, focused on the development of the MES (T6.1) and on the definition of the data to be used for the process optimization through data mining (T6.2).
WP7 is not active yet and is expected to start on June 2018 (M20) when the SLM pilot cells will be installed and running.
It is also worth mentioning the different dissemination activities (WP8) carried out during this period: Project Web Page and presentations in eight International high level events. And also HyProCell has been carrying out concerted activities to share skills, knowledge, technologies, and methods of manufacturing between the partners and the use of Press notes and newsletters in various internet media to disseminate the actions.\"

Final results

Three manufacturing Pilot Lines have been created in the frame of HyProCell. The Pilot Lines intend to give European industry access to proven hybrid LBAM solutions and manufacturing, allowing the opportunity to test and validate ideas and new products prior to market entry. The Pilot Lines aim to increase the productivity of machine and production line manufacturers and their clients (OEMs), especially during design and ramp-up phases, as the project deals with the integration of machines and production lines.
For HYPROCELL project the key results are:
• CAx Tools: Software streamlining AM workflow
• MES & Automation: Software that both triggers and controls the manufacturing processes
• LBAM Adaptation: LBAM process parameters and machine improvements enabling novel features and external controls to support integrated production
• Part Handling: Robot and pallet systems for build plate and part handling (high temperature & heavy weight), meeting M2M communication and high precision
• Integration of Results in a demonstrative pilot cells for SLM and Hybrid LMD-machining
And the expected impact are:
• Achieve otherwise impossible shapes: production of new, repair existing parts or improvements by adding new details/features
• Flexible and high-throughput production cells even for small lots
• New business models to address market opportunities (e.g. mass-customisation)
• Added value from higher part performance leading to higher margins
• Efficient integrated cells that reduce lead time and transportation costs

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