CAPITAL will directly address two of the challenges of the call listed in the scope section by the EC:• Building upon the latest developments, raise awareness of the benefits of C-ITS thorough knowledge enhancing education and training practices (e.g. tools and guidance to...
CAPITAL will directly address two of the challenges of the call listed in the scope section by the EC:
• Building upon the latest developments, raise awareness of the benefits of C-ITS thorough knowledge enhancing education and training practices (e.g. tools and guidance to support public and private stakeholders).
•Financing measures to support inter alia the development, purchase, installation and maintenance of new ITS systems.
Even though, there are various portals offering education on ITS, CAPITAL will be based on the MOOC / COOC business model (massive or corporate open online courses) offering training by accredited universities, associations specialising on the deployment of ITS like IRU, FIA VTT, CERTH, NEWCASTLE and other linked partners (NTUAâ€ICCS). CAPITAL will enhance pedagogic opportunities for educators to experiment and evaluate different online learning approaches by more flexible forms of learning and assessment that include community as well as content based models of learning. CAPITAL will develop new ways for training though on the field training through the demonstrations and showcases at local pilots. CAPITAL has established a set of five different objectives.
A CAPITAL stakeholder matrix, as living document, is presented as annex in the deliverable D2.1 and provides in the first step the relevant stakeholder networks, platforms, key stakeholders that can be reached within the CAPITAL network. A concrete stakeholder database has been implemented in the second part of the period as part of the platform development activities within WP5. The students enrolled to the online courses published recently, are part of the international community built within the project. To complete the strategy and strengthening the built community, the ambassador’s role has been added for advocating the benefits of CAPITAL outcome.
The results of assessment of the capacity needs and knowledge gaps are well detailed in D2.2. In nutshell, the analysis revealed the fact that different topics for different know-how levels will be needed. The priority topics were identified for each of the know-how levels. The sharing of best-practice cases and training on evaluation methods and cost-benefit analysis of ITS services are the main areas of interest.
The main objective of ITS deployment transferability report D2.3 is to develop a handbook of case studies, including their respective business models and value propositions, and support decision making process for deploying C-ITS. The transferability handbook is available as deliverable and also in the website as a simple online tool. Following the majority of the consortium partners who are both in CAPITAL and C-MOBILE, the decision has been made to initially collect and analyse the 8 C-MOBILE case studies (Barcelona, Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Newcastle, Region of North Brabant, Thessaloniki, Vigo, Bilbao) and towards the end of the project there will be additional cities incorporated in the tool from TM2.0 platform such as (Trieste, Verona, Saltsburg, Gent, Hamburg, Antwerp). ERTICO would like to further exploit the CAPITAL elearning platform and also the online deployment transferability handbook together with the ITS Observatory and that created some delays due to the delivery of the latter and its specifications and requirements for design of the final product.
In the initial period, Newcastle on behalf of the Consortium designed and delivered the ITS deployment programme framework following the three levels of training & development. The document provided a common framework for the ITS deployment programme implemented in WP4 in the second part of the period, where 2 pilot training programme events and 1 showcase have been held showing the study modules and related background information used for training purposes. In addition, the Capacity Development Strategies for ITS stakeholders has been developed presenting all strategies through which the stakeholders working in the fields of ITS and C-ITS can strengthen their knowledge and abilities. There is a specific categorization of the stakeholders depending on their know-how level (1st, 2nd or 3rd level), on their area of responsibility in geographic terms (Local, National or International Level) and according to the type of the association (Public Authorities, Associations and ITS experts and Transport Operators).
Consolidation and dissemination of the project resulted with various dissemination tools (website, promotional video, elearning platform) contributing to specific ITS events supported by the community built. In the initial period, a usual communication has been performed. WP5 had a number of concrete and impactful results during the first half of the project. At least 21 articles were published both in scientific and non-technical journals. Through its presence at international stakeholder events, CAPITAL reached a wide audience of over 1200 people. The main focus was then reverted to the development of the CAPITAL training platform with the development and publishing of 9 online courses that provide the essential knowledge of ITS and C-ITS. As of today, there a
Developing, deploying, and diffusing technology requires the active collaboration of all sectors of the economy: government at all levels, industry, labor, education, and the research community. These sectors must pool their resources to ensure that a capable well-trained workforce is readily available – one with the skills to create, embrace, and use rapidly evolving ITS technologies. ITS also requires unprecedented cooperation between public authorities and private sectors, necessitating new skills in partnering, contracting, and negotiations. In fact, many of these institutional competencies have proven to be critical. They tend to cut across the various deployment and operations stages. Much work and research is needed to make the full potential of C-ITS a reality. CAPITAL aims for a transportation workforce with the skills to create, embrace, and use the transportation innovations of the 21st century. Education and training must be tailored, targeted and accessible and this what CAPITAL aim to focus on. CAPITAL elearning platform provides the ITS workforce with flexible, accessible ITS learning through a variety of training opportunities, technical assistance services, and educational resources. The program assists transportation professionals in developing their skills to build technical proficiency while furthering their career paths. Through its outreach, coordination, and instructional products, the CAPITAL elearning platform is integral in aiding universities to develop new tools and concepts in education and training to deploy C-ITS. The CAPITAL elearning platform currently provides ITS Case Studies and 9 courses, all of which are available to be applied to existing university course curriculum. The results demonstrates that CAPITAL’s online learning platform can be impactful in its envisioned role as a stimulus to the growth of an ITS community that shares its knowledge and experience to foster the uptake, development and deployment of ITS services. The goal is for the self-sustaining collaborative capacity-building C-ITS community to live on beyond the project lifecycle.
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