SESAR 2020 Applied Research and Pre-Industrial Development activities are undertaken based on a structured work programme to help the development of key topics relevant for Air Transport evolution. Thus it enables transition from Exploratory Research to Applied Research as...
SESAR 2020 Applied Research and Pre-Industrial Development activities are undertaken based on a structured work programme to help the development of key topics relevant for Air Transport evolution. Thus it enables transition from Exploratory Research to Applied Research as well as migration from Applied Research to Pre-Industrial Development. This work programme must also support the need to focus on an integrated product, its validation and very large scale demonstration as well as feedback from this in order to reflect the integrity and to define the level of completeness/needs to influence the needs of further research. Some programme activities need to be undertaken in a transversal manner to ensure the delivery of a best in class, globally interoperable and high performing Air Transport system. These transversal activities are realised by the Content Integration project (PJ19).
These Content Integration activities enable the assessment the overall performance of the SESAR Solutions brought together against the performance improvements expected for the European ATM.
These Content Integration activities provide support to the SJU to assess the maturity of the SESAR Solutions for delivery to the SESAR Deployment Manager, to monitor the SESAR 2020 Programme execution and to support the SJU decision making.
The Content Integration aims at providing steering guidance, coordinating and integrating the SESAR Solutions. As such Content Integration activity supports and guides the processes, brings the SESAR Solutions together and assesses their completeness, consistency and coherency from a holistic perspective as represented in the SESAR 2020 Concept of Operations. The Content Integration activities also cover the maintenance and support of the performance framework and ensure its applicability by the projects.
PJ19 was launched in November 2016 with the official Kick Off Meeting (KOM) with all PJ19 Partners held on the 8th and 9th of November 2016. The various PJ19 Work Packages (WP) KOMs were held during November and December 2016. The first months of PJ19 were dedicated to the set-up of the project, internally between the 4 main PJ19 WPs and externally with the SESRA2020 Projects/Solutions and the SESAR2020 Governance (SJU). PJ19 developed the first version of the Project Management Plan (PMP) and initiated the regular (monthly) Project Management Board (PMB) and the (yearly) extended PMB (EPMB).
PJ19 has been strongly involved in the SESAR2020 ramp up phase with the major contribution to the SESAR2020 Briefing sessions, the set-up of the Maturity gate and the provision of lot of Architecture, Modelling and Performances trainings. By mid of 2017, PJ19 and the Content Integration process was running full speed with tools, method, process and coaching to support the working together set-up within PJ19, with the SESAR2020 Projects/Solutions and other transversal activities (ATM Master Plan (PJ20) and Requirement Management (PJ22).
The first content Integration cycle was completed by mid of 2017 with the provision of the first update of the SESAR2020 CONOPS, the SESAR Operational, Technical, Service and Information architecture (via the European ATM Architecture – EATMA framework) in EATMA V9, the SESAR Architecture Document (ADD) and associated Service Roadmap and Portfolio. The first performance consolidation was made by the end of 2017 based on the early validation results of the SESAR2020 Projects/Solutions (via the SESAR Performance framework) and the Performance Targets defined early 2017. After this first Content Integration cycle, PJ19 defined the baseline for the second Content Integration cycle with the update (when need be) of the working together processes, architecture and performance frameworks and the definition of the validation targets 2018.
During 2017, the PJ19 contribution to the ATM Master Plan 2018 was reinforced with the definition of the common change management process, the management of the Integrated Roadmap (DS17 and DS17b) and the direct contribution to the ATM Master Plan Key Focus teams (ATM Vision, Drone and Performances).
During 2017, PJ19 contributed to the Cyber Security task force launched by SJU. Results of the taskforce were handed over toPJ19 in October 2017. Also, PJ19 contributed to the Operational and Technical Sub Committee (OTSC) and to the Management Sub Committee (DMSC).
Also, the PJ19 Grant was amended twice: first to reflect the second financial instalment (summer 2017) and second to reflect the evolution of the technical aspects of the project (December 2017). Each Grant Amendment was produced, reviewed and approved by all PJ19 Partners.
In 2018 The Second Content integration was concluded by the same however more mature deliverables: CONOPS 2018, SESAR Operational, Technical, Service and Information architecture (via the European ATM Architecture EATMA V10.0) and Performance Assessments and their frameworks. ADD 2018 and its related Service Roadmaps (2018) production started but delivery delayed to early 2019 because of a collusion with the new Master Plan Campaign planning.
PJ19 contribution to the ATM MP was very high not only coordinating for PJ20 the datasets (DS18 and DS18a) but directly contributing to the Vision and Performance Chapters and Key Focus teams.
Another area of significant contribution was maturity gates support, which led to the creation of new reporting means and coaching for SESAR Solution to prepare the maturity gates and to provide the SJU with maturity assessment report per solution.
All content integration frameworks, tools and processes were reinforced to support the program needs (Activity Dashboards and Maturity Gates) and the Master Plan. Performance Frameworks and Performance Assessments gained in maturity and were completed with the newly secu
Not applicable as PJ19 is a Transversal Activity defined to support SESAR2020 programme execution.
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