ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric LSP on Smart Living Environments for Ageing Well. The main objective is to build the first European IoT system across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in 7 European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying and proprietary IoT platforms...
ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric LSP on Smart Living Environments for Ageing Well. The main objective is to build the first European IoT system across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in 7 European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying and proprietary IoT platforms, technologies and standards, and integrating new interfaces needed to provide interoperability across these heterogeneous platforms, that will enable the deployment and operation at large scale of Active & Healthy Ageing IoT based solutions and services, supporting and extending the independent living of older adults in their living environments and responding to real needs of caregivers, service providers and public authorities.
Project Objectives. To achieve the main objective, the following objectives have been identified:
O1.To deliver the ACTIVAGE IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIOTES), a set of techniques, tools and methodologies for interoperability at different layers between heterogeneous existing IoT Platforms
O2.To set up a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot distributed across 9 interconnected Deployment Sites of 7 European countries constituting the whole operational and evaluation space, to build local IoT ecosystems on top of legacy open or proprietary IoT platforms
O3.To set a common Reference Evaluation Framework implementing the GLOCAL approach able to complement Global and LOCAL reference features and requirements. The evaluation framework will allow the assessment of interoperable IoT-enabled Active & Healthy Ageing solutions enhancing and scaling up current existing services on every Deployment Site
O4.To provide a co-creation framework that enables the identification, measurement, understanding and prediction of the demands and needs of IoT ecosystem on AHA users
O5.To set up and operationalize a communication and dissemination program that allows worldwide outreach of project activities and achievements
O6.To ignite the market growth and future sustainability using open call procedures
ACTIVAGE unfolds in 5 operative phases in 42 months. The innovation path defined for ACTIVAGE is summarized in figure “The ACTIVAGE Lifecycleâ€. The project is organized in 9 WPs (Fig.–ACTIVAGE overview PERT diagram).
WP2 created DS Services List and Full Description, the Guideline for the adoption of ACTIVAGE solutions in other Pilots, focused on UX/UI. In WP3 described the ACTIVAGE architecture, the final version of the “Security and privacy reportâ€, together with the bridges for the 7 ACTIVAGE IoT platforms and depicted the devices required in DSs to implement their use cases. A Data Model has been designed, implemented and deployed. In P2, WP4 finalized the description of the development & deployment tools and their functionalities, implement and deliver them, implemented the Advanced Analytics and Data Layer support tools components. 1st integration of AIOTES was released on M21. V1.5 includes the SIL, which is being installed and configured in every DSs so that DSs and open callers can access it. T5.2 executes the testing and validation of AIOTES. WP5 and WP6 we have defined the Global Technical KPIs collection. WP6 is designing the GLocal evaluation framework and tools (software) for evidence gathering and data interpretation across the ACTIVAGE LSP. WP7 outlined the ecosystem mgmt. and sustainability plan, coordinated and evaluated open call (OC) activities, providing support to 3rd parties who joined the consortium via OCs with especial focus in engaging with SMEs and community at Glocal scale. The 2 OCs were launched and closed during P2 with amazing results and projects are currently ongoing. WP8 is setting the strategy for the continuity and sustainability of the ACTIVAGE produced assets and the enlargement of the IoT for AHA ecosystem, managed 160 participations in conferences, 21 published papers, among others. The dissemination campaign for the 2 OCs got worldwide impact. On Standardization we can highlight the collaboration with ETSI, the STF 566 and with IEEE in the definition of IEEE P2510 standard to certificate and classify the IoT sensors data quality. WP9 keeps executing the LSP activities in the different DSs and consolidating the local IoT ecosystems for ageing well. An iterative process has been followed together with WP7 team to identify the challenges and refine the description of the needs for the OCs. After that, DSs have initiated intensive collaboration with the winners assigned to them.
The project defined 6 innovation tracks, the first 4 representing domains of innovation, the last 2 horizontal activities to make impact though these innovations, (see figure 3)
For each one of the domain innovation tracks, the advance over the existing SoA, is now updated according to progress in P2:
1. IoT technology: innovation in interoperability, security and standardization. AIOTES designed and versioning strategy, in terms of progressive delivery of architectural elements and security and privacy components (WP3), developers and deployment tools (WP4), aligned with the development and deployment roadmap (WP5) to support interoperability between DS and with Open Callers, aligned with the exploitation plan and consolidated as a key “Project Assetâ€. Evaluation activities are confirming and will demonstrate the potential and timely need of AIOTES in the IoT-AHA market.
2. Generation of evidence and value. The evaluation framework is composed of standard methods and instruments that allow to gather and measure the results of the evaluation activities and share them with communities. The protocol and the GLOCAL approach both represent a clear innovation. WP6 partners are currently preparing research manuscripts to validate them with the scientific community.
3. The user bound co-creation: acceptance, ethical and legal user needs. The common framework to define user needs, requirements and use cases. A new version of requirements has been released (now defined as Reference Use Cases) allowing seamless exchange of services among DS. All the experience gained during the co-creation phases has been turned into a set of Good Practices, in the list of project assets.
4. Interconnected Deployment Sites, Use cases and Business Cases for AHA. Pilot activities are running in all the nine DSs. Recruitments are almost completed and interchange of services and elements between DS and with OpenCallers is in place. This means that the project is in the position to assess the value of the ACTIVAGE LSP and take strategic decisions towards market uptake of the ACTIVAGE solutions .
4 horizontal activities are currently being defined to support, guide and coordinate the realization of these innovations, mainly in WP8 and WP7:
1. The definition of an AHA-IoT ecosystem
2. The definition of the Impact Attainment Strategy. Focused the impact in five pillars corresponding to areas of activity in the project: ecosystem creation, acceptance and co-creation, standardisation, business & exploitation and dissemination.
3. The definition of the communication and dissemination plan. The 2 open calls are the backbone of this approach to engage more relevant actors in the ACTIVAGE European ecosystem.
4. The definition of the exploitation plan. All the above and more will have a real and persistent impact if the project defines a consistent and realistic business plan of exploitation within a time horizon of 5 years.
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