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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IntEnSys4EU (INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEM - A PATHWAY FOR EUROPE)


The priorities of the Integrated SET Plan will be assessed and implemented in their specific context by several stakeholders. In view of achieving the maximum level of coordination for an optimal and efficient implementation, the EC has established different platforms...


The priorities of the Integrated SET Plan will be assessed and implemented in their specific context by several stakeholders. In view of achieving the maximum level of coordination for an optimal and efficient implementation, the EC has established different platforms (European Technological and Innovation Platforms - ETIPs) where stakeholders are represented as widely as possible, to address and resolve the issues of the Integrated Set Plan.
The ambitions of INTENSYS4EU are multi-fold, based on constant interactions between the energy stakeholders (network operators, industry, consumers, research and Member States representatives)) which detail R&I priorities through the new ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition acting as an advisory body of the SET Plan.
The work performed will serve the whole energy community in four ways:
1. the upgraded roadmap is shared by the European players and each of the Member States as a single set of R&I priorities,
2. the public funding constraints are shared at the same levels (EU, Member States and Regional) in order to improve the potential impact expected when innovation will be deployed,
3. the non-technical dimensions are covered at the same levels (regulatory, public acceptance, business models, innovation financing, data exchange) in order to reduce in parallel and collectively the barriers to deploy the resulting innovations: this is reached by extending the cross project workshops
4. industry is given a more homogeneous play field to provide interoperable solutions within well accepted standards, which in turn would increase its competitiveness when addressing several energy systems in other continents

Work performed

The work performed since the beginning of the project was alligned with the following topics:
• Coordination of the stakeholder involvement through a stable and effective process: The variety of stakeholders compatible to a well-accepted set of R&I topics and their prioritisation. Engagement methodologies of stakeholders such as co-design and co-creation.
• Further positioning of the electricity networks into the wider panorama of the integrated energy system, highlighting the interaction between the electricity sector and the other energy vectors, in search of the optimal dynamic balance in the rapidly evolving panorama of the European Energy Union.
• Pinpointing the new R&I activities to support the integration within the electricity system
• Accelerating the use of promising ICT components (the Internet of Things, Big Data processing techniques and High Power Computing) in all the life cycle components of energy networks (networks planning, operations, asset management, market organisation).
• Connecting the research community with long term challenges.
• Shared methodologies and IT tools to prepare the scaling up and replication of development/demonstration results in view of their deployment based on plausible cost/benefit analysis that anticipate regulatory approval.

Final results

The priorities of the Integrated SET Plan will be assessed and implemented in their specific context by several stakeholders. In view of achieving the maximum level of coordination for an optimal and efficient implementation, the EC has established different platforms (ETIPs) where stakeholders are represented as widely as possible, to address and resolve the issues of the Integrated Set Plan.
The ambitions of INTENSYS4EU are multi-fold, based on constant interactions between the energy stakeholders which detail R&I priorities through the new ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition acting as an advisory body of the SET Plan:
- Coordinate the stakeholder involvement through a stable and effective process
- Further position the electricity networks into the wider panorama of the integrated energy system
- Pinpoint the new R&I activities to support the integration within the electricity system:
--> of the consumers in demand side management approaches that benefit to the electricity system,
--> of other energy vectors (heat, the coal and gas) in order to further optimise the critical energy value chains that will reinforce the long term decarbonisation of the European economy,
--> of appropriate regulations and market designs that shape regional cooperation schemes to address cross border optimisation,
--> of appropriate measures to enhance the contribution of the electricity system to the European energy efficiency goals,
--> of means of prediction and mitigation of the effects of climate change and the related extreme phenomena affecting the overall European infrastructures.
- Accelerate the use of at least three promising ICT components in all the life cycle components of energy networks
- Connect the research community with long term challenges
- Propose shared methodologies and IT tools

The coordination of a very diverse stakeholders within a single body, ETIP SNET represents a challenge and allows to develop consensus views from all these actors in a single advisory environment.
ETIP SNET Vision and roadmap emphasise the integration of electricity systems into an energy system approach because of their potential connections with heat, transport, gas. The proposed R&I activities aim at improving the innovation capacity of the whole electricity value chain.

The Vision and the R&I roadmap are geared to develop innovative approaches of the global and local energy systems, generating benefits in terms of energy efficiency (for instance: electricity consumption reduction and shifting to off peak hours; promotion of self-consumption by prosumers, optimal use of heat and gas networks to increase the local flexibilities of the energy system), peak shaving (avoiding electricity generation from carbonised sources) and renewable penetration, overall resulting in GHG emissions reduction.

The R&I project portfolio addresses new business models and innovative regulatory models to stimulate the creation of new services towards end-consumers. This should result in electricity bill reduction with the same quality of supply.

The support of the BRIDGE process in INTENSYS4EU as well as ETIP SNET recommendations will feed in policy recommendations to remove barriers to innovation deployment: this removal may have to be addressed by innovative approaches on market models, data management, consumer engagement, regulations, standardisation, etc. to be introduced in the new R&I roadmap.
- Be consistent with the 2020 and 2030 climate-energy packages
- Improve the performances of electricity networks
The ETIP SNET Vision and roadmap aim also at providing policy recommendations about:
- The optimisation of the speed at which innovative solutions must be implemented into the energy system to face the network increasingly complex operations
- The optimisation of consumer/prosumer engagement

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