Nano-SHINE solves the age-old problem of tarnishing on silver, gold and other precious metals. These items fall into disuse, lose value and are even consumed by the tarnishing process. Nano-SHINE resolves this problem once and for all, allowing people to enjoy quality silver...
Nano-SHINE solves the age-old problem of tarnishing on silver, gold and other precious metals. These items fall into disuse, lose value and are even consumed by the tarnishing process. Nano-SHINE resolves this problem once and for all, allowing people to enjoy quality silver and gold jewellery, cutlery and other items without care for cleaning or degradation over time. Nano-SHINE is also relevant in ensuring longevity in applications where precious metals are chosen for their non-aesthetic properties, for example conductivity in electronics. We want to make Nano-SHINE the de facto finishing treatment for silver, gold and precious metals, and to make it accessible to all manufactures and users. This will be achieved through an expansion of the business, creating treatment centres local to relevant manufacturing clusters and with the development of a user-friendly machine, which will be leased to the largest manufacturers to allow them to self-treat their products, on a pay-per-use basis, without revealing the technology behind our process.
During this Feasibility Study, we have evaluated the viability of our technology, including the associated risks for the project and the current state of intellectual property protection in this area (Freedom to Operate analysis). Through our experience with the pilot plant we have proven the process and are confident of achieving our technical objectives, while the Freedom to Operate analysis has revealed no obstacles. We have also conducted detailed market research and evaluated the partners and key-stakeholders for the project. We have formulated a business plan and performed a preliminary financial viability analysis of the project.
Nano-SHINE is the first durable treatment for silver, gold and other precious metals that does not dull the lustre and brilliance for which these metals are prized. This has been demonstrated conclusively in the laboratory, and with our pilot plant we have shown that it is suitable for commercialisation at an industrial scale. Our project is to make our treatment as widely available as possible, simplifying the logistics of transporting the goods from the manufacturer to our treatment centres, while at the same time protecting our intellectual property about the process. This will make it simpler for manufacturers to protect their products, making them more durable and desirable for the final customer.
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