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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - InnoCap Transylvania (Serces to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the macro-region 1 in Romania)


This project aims to strengthen the capacity of the selected SMEs with potential for innovation from the macro-region 1 of Transylvania, Romania, to manage their key areas of intervention towards sustainable competitiveness, offering services to enhance the innovation...


This project aims to strengthen the capacity of the selected SMEs with potential for innovation from the macro-region 1 of Transylvania, Romania, to manage their key areas of intervention towards sustainable competitiveness, offering services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the coverage area.
The objectives of this projects are the following:
- increase the efficiency of innovation processes of local beneficiaries of SME Instrument and innovative SMEs with significant innovation activities and high potentila for internationalization;
- facilitate SMEs access to consultancy services for innovation management;
- support innovative SMEs to raise the company\'s profitability and competitiveness on international market.

Work performed

Services provided to the beneficiaries.

Final results

The implementation in line with the project activities.

Website & more info

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