EEN Lazio and Sardegna general aim is to help SMEs to understand the innovation demand of the market and define their own needs. A correct innovation management includes all activities that lead to profitable growth from innovation.ELSE SIM project carried out services for...
EEN Lazio and Sardegna general aim is to help SMEs to understand the innovation demand of the market and define their own needs. A correct innovation management includes all activities that lead to profitable growth from innovation.
ELSE SIM project carried out services for enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs integrating those innovation-related services with traditional activities, usually provided under the Enterprise Europe Network umbrella.
The main objectives have been (1) supporting all SMEs located in ELSE regions and funded under the SME Instrument Phase 1 and 2, FTI and FET Open, with a qualified Kam-Coach support in order to assess their innovation management performance and capabilities (WP1), (2) identifing promising SMEs capable of growth and successful internationalization located in ELSE regions , carrying out an in depth analysis of their innovation management, highlighting the gaps between their innovation capabilities and their innovation goals, through the service Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities of SMEs (EIMC).
From one side, it has been critical to support companies in understanding the market demand to address a right market strategy, from the other side it has been crucial to address companies in adapting and revising their internal business models or innovation strategy according to the market.
It is interesting to report, according to some companies, that catching funds is important for the development of a company, but it is the internal strategy and business model that leads to success. This validates and reinforces the strategic work provided by H2020 KAM / EIMC services, which also represent one of the main access point to EEN ecosystem. In detail, the problems/issues addressed were:
1: Regarding KAM services, importance of speeding up the bureaucratic procedures needed to sign the coach’s contract. This is particularly true for Phase 1 projects, where the time available is reduced compared to a Phase 2 project. As a consequence, it is necessary to start the coaching activities as soon as possible in order to positively affect the realization of feasibility studies and the elaboration of the end-of-project report, that in many cases represents the basis for the resulting Phase 2 proposal.
2: Concerning the EIMC services, the main issue encountered by the Consortium has been to create the conditions to attract as many companies as possible, having high innovation and internationalization potential. To achieve the goal, the consortium effort has been oriented to a broad communication, aiming at extending the visibility and the reputation of the Network in Lazio and Sardegna regions, throughout several communication supporting tools.
3: Concerning the EIMC tools, some partners already experimented the new Imp3rove tool “Digital Innovation Quotient†(DIQ). They reported that the DIQ is less efficient and detailed regarding the company profile description. Many of the questions (parameters) adopted in the assessment had as answer “Not Applicableâ€. Probably, this happened because:
- Italian SMEs have poor digitalisation awareness;
- Digitalisation needs a more complex managing structure, not always owned by the companies that the consortium met: probably, the questionnaire could better fit companies having a bigger structure.
The tool should be improved taking into account SMEs with a simpler organizational structure and it should also include some more details about company profile and economic results and performances. The partners are committed to diversify the assessment tools, by making an in-depth client intake to evaluate the digital skills of the clients and choose the best instruments fitting their clients’ needs.
Finally, this project supports an important societal issue, as it provides companies with innovative instruments to better evaluate their internal company assets. The result is a general improvement of company\'s business strategy and innovation capaciti
The Consortium has provided support to 77 SMEs, in the framework of EIMC/KAM actions. The delivered KAM services represent the 84% of the expected target, which is quite satisfactory considering also the number of SME Instruments (including FTI and FET Open) awarded in the 2 Regions.
The ELSE SIM consortium, throughout the action of the 6 involved partners, has provided services for 15 KAM cases and 62 EIMC.
In particular, the KAM results were different according to the SME stage of development (Phase 1 companies vs Phase 2) and the sectors of relevance.
For Phase 1 projects, the needs analisys and the coaching service aimed to:
• elaborate a review and analysis of company’s business model;
• draft a business and growth plan (revenue and adoption), a monetization strategies analysis and priorities and align with company’s vision and mission;
• segment the market and address it with the highest potential (by industry/ by territory);
• analyze the company’s market positioning, brand development and marketing strategy;
• analyze the Go To Market (GTM) including partner and distribution channels review;
• check the HR, organizational, leadership styles, financials, internationalization, partnerships or channel requirements, product and sales support structure.
Concerning Phase 2 companies, the main activities regarded:
• product-market fit;
• business proposition and customer benefits;
• go to market plan, including overall marketing strategies, i.e. business model, partnerships and distribution;
• financial plan and financing strategy;
• IPR appropriate strategies and management of brands and patents: evaluation of the areas of patentability of the technological products also thanks to prior-art analysis.
About EIMC, Else Sim has fully provided Enhancing SMEs’ Innovation Management Capacity services using following tools:
• Innovation Management Assessment (IMA);
• Digital Quotient Assessment (DQA)
• Innovation Health Check.
In order to ensure project\'s exploitation and dissemination, the Consortium effort has been oriented to a broad communication. Several communication supporting tools have been adopted. The recruiting campaign was supported by storytelling audiovisual tools and a strong social networks communication. Last but not least, the integration with the ELSE UP project, “Support young innovative companies scaling-up their activities in the Single Marketâ€, allowed the consortium to introduce new companies to the EEN services and the specific H2020 supporting measures.
The support of the Consortium has contributed to the improvement of the position of the client companies on the global market making them able to reach new markets or clients and to develop new approaches to processes, improving business efficiency and innovation management capacity. Some companies found the Network assistance useful to increase their turnover and reduce some costs. The companies through the needs analisys and the assessments individuate critical points in the domain of innovation management, that means company\'s innovation processes from idea generation to innovation result. In this framework, the Consortium facilitate the ability to cooperate with R&D partners and Universities to strenghten the dimension of enabling factors.
As a result, the clients are more competitive on new foreign markets and able to consolidate their position on domestic markets.
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