The primary goal of ENCIRCLE is to improve its resilience to new CBRN attacks and threats, the EU needs a specialized, efficient and sustainable industry, competitive on a less fragmented EU market and globally. Capitalizing on its experience in the EDEN Demonstration Project...
The primary goal of ENCIRCLE is to improve its resilience to new CBRN attacks and threats, the EU needs a specialized, efficient and sustainable industry, competitive on a less fragmented EU market and globally. Capitalizing on its experience in the EDEN Demonstration Project, in other CBRN relevant projects, and in the CBRN market and supply chain, the ENCIRCLE consortium proposes an innovative approach to reach this goal in a short to long term perspective so that SMEs and large industries can propose and invest in the best innovations on the market.
This approach results in 5 objectives aimed at prompting the innovation and business development, and filling market gaps in the project timeframe:
1. Create an open and neutral EU CBRN cluster,
2. Provide a sustainable and flexible vision and roadmap for the development of the European CBRN market and innovations,
3. Provide integration with platforms (systems, tools, services, products) by proposing standardized interfaces and future EU standards to integrate CBRN technologies and innovations developed from the Part b projects,
4. Support CBRN safety, security and defence commercial and market services,
5. Improve and facilitate European CBRN dissemination and exploitation.
1. 2017 and 2019 Part B Call Topics
The current version of the ENCIRCLE catalogue contains the list of the technologies corresponding to the main phases in the CBRN Security Cycle (Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery).
2. ENCIRCLE Project Site
3. Part B Collaboration Agreements were completed and signed with CBRN Cluster Part b RIA EU-SENSE, TERRIFFIC and COSMIC projects.
4. Dynamic Catalogue
The dynamic catalogue is a framework and a process that provides a sustainable and secure web-portal and databases supporting:
• the ENCIRCLE Dynamic Catalogue creation and update,
• the community networks and “market place†functions.
5. ENCIRCLE FIRST WORKSHOP was conducted at the Conference and Training Centre of the Military University of Technology (MUT) (in Polish Centrum Szkoleniowo-Konferencyjne WAT) and was focused on the practitioner community (primarily from Eastern Europe). Discussions resulted in an update of identified needs and gaps (see D3.10 public deliverable).
- Market analysis
A draft Market Analysis questionnaire has been completed and is being converted to Survey Monkey format for inputs from the communities. This is being made available via the ENCIRCLE website.
- Business Models and Plans
ENCIRCLE is offering industry, SMEs, science and technology organisations, practitioners and policy makers an efficient collaborative approach through improved knowledge sharing, cooperation leading to improved market support and a faster route to market for successful innovations. ENCIRCLE goes beyond EDEN by:
- addressing all the phases of the CBRN security cycle,
- providing a short to long term vision (roadmap and detailed plan), including defence, national or regional programmes,
- recommending CBRN topics for future calls for proposals, in particular for SEC05 Part b,
- being reactive to new threats (the question box),
- providing a market and commercial support,
- providing advice and support on business deals, interfaces and integration for an improved EU competitiveness and resilience.Expected results
Potential impacts
1. Shorter time to market for novel CBRN technologies and innovations
a. provide an early identification of needs and markets for new innovations,
b. provide early identification of new products and innovations,
c. support better exploitation of previous and current innovation projects, including orphan results, through identification and facilitation of the most appropriate financial instruments,
d. provide recommendations to fill/meet important gaps through the Part b calls,
e. provide improved and easier integration and interfaces between research results and products and existing practitioner and user systems, by sharing commercial efforts and access to market between SME and large industries cooperating in the cluster,
f. speed up the European CBRN innovation capacity by its open, standardised interfaces and its portal facilities (catalogue, community network, market place). The integration of new knowledge will be included in the catalogue with networks and commercial support. This is strengthened by the consortium past and current experience, in-particular from the EDEN project,
g. propose innovation topics that will meet the significant market current and forthcoming needs for the Part b calls,
h. speed up the European innovation capacity in CBRN through the use of standardised interfaces. The integration of new knowledge will be included in the Portal (catalogue, expert network and market).
2. More business deals leading to industrial products of interest to more practitioners in Europe (and world-wide)
a. by sharing the commercial efforts and access to market between SME and large industries cooperating in the cluster,
b. decreasing the failure rate,
c. increasing the value and autonomy of the EU CBRN supply chain,
d. bringing EU innovations to a maturity close to the product level and the market. This is the rationale of the industry and SME engagement in the project,
e. identifying, proposing and facilitating new innovations, modular and more affordable system which will support the action of the EU and its Member states in response to a CBRN event occurring inside and outside the EU,
f. standardised interfaces to promote fruitful cooperation and competitiveness at system level as well as at the individual product level. The EU competitiveness will also be highlighted by the catalogue and the Portal facilities,
g. boosting the competitiveness and visibility of EU CBRN services,
h. improving knowledge sharing within the EU CBRN Community. policy makers, institutions, procurement agencies, suppliers and practitioners that will be part of the Practitioners and Industrial and Technological Platforms,
i. speeding up the European CBRN innovation capacity and integrate continuously new knowledge in the Portal (catalogue, expert network and market),
j. providing incentives for the users through access to proof of thorough and if possible certified validation and added value, joint procurement, appropriate products that match the user expected and unexpected needs and operational deployment timescales and take into accou
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