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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - T4C (PhD Technology Driven Sciences: Technologies for Cultural Heritage)


PhD Technology Driven Sciences: Technologies for Cultural Heritage (T4C) is a new and innovative research and training Doctoral Programme in “Heritage Sciences” conceived by the University of Torino, (UNITO) with the financial support of the European Commission...


PhD Technology Driven Sciences: Technologies for Cultural Heritage (T4C) is a new and innovative research and training Doctoral Programme in “Heritage Sciences” conceived by the University of Torino, (UNITO) with the financial support of the European Commission (H2020-MSCA-COFUND) and the banking foundation Compagnia di San Paolo (CSP).

The main aim of the programme is to build up the next generation of Cultural Heritage professionals, able to develop technological solutions and services for the restoration, the protection, the diagnostics and the valorisation of cultural heritage and skilled with a complementary scientific training on transferable skills.

T4C target are Early Stage Researchers, in compliance with the MSCA mobility rule. Fellows are enrolled in the T4C PhD Programme at the University of Torino. They have the opportunity of attending an innovative and interdisciplinary training programme. The Programme offers:
• basic training in knowledge and analytical skills necessary to understand the field of actions and to develop an interdisciplinary approach;
• specific scientific training through individual project implementation;
• short term scientific visits at international academic institution premises;
• secondment period of 10 months at non-academic partners;
• additional complementary research training, including 3 Summer schools, respectively on Management of Cultural Heritage, Public Engagement and Open Science.

The project started on the 1st January 2018 and will last 5 years.

Work performed

Through 2 Call for Applications, the University of Torino recruited 18 fellows, that are now enrolled in the T4C PhD Programme.
• 7 fellows, selected on the First Call, started their Doctoral training on the 1st November 2018;
• 11 fellows, selected on the Second Call, started their Doctoral training on the 1st November 2019.
The evaluation and selection of applicants was conducted through a transparent procedure entrusted to an independent Scientific Selection Committee.
A Scientific Board is in charge of the scientific supervision of the Programme, the training and supervision of fellows. The Scientific Board reflects the interdisciplinary approach of the project, with 24 members coming from 5 different scientific domains: basic sciences, digital sciences, environmental sciences, physical sciences and humanities.
An Advisory Board of national and international experts monitors the quality of the project implementation and advise on possible adjustments.
T4C has a dedicated Project Management Team in charge of the overall and day-to-day management of the project and of financial and technical reporting.
Support for fellows’ individual project implementation is ensured by the active participation of Scientific Supervisors in Hosting Departments, by the definition of a Personal Career Development Plan and by the mentoring of tutor at non-academic institutions and companies during secondment periods.

Final results

Expected results:
The project aims to bridge the gap among the researchers on hard sciences and the experts of humanities in the Heritage field, teaching the fellows to work in teams composed by experts of different disciplines.
Furthermore, T4C aims to be an innovative doctoral training that meets the needs of the growing cultural industry and prepares the PhD Candidates to work also in the non-academic field.
T4C creates a new Doctoral Programme at the University of Torino that, thanks to its characteristics (independent and transparent evaluation and selection procedure, interdisciplinary approach, involvement of the non-academic sector), will contribute to the implementation of the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training.
Expected impact:
• Enhancing potential and future career perspectives of researchers, both in the academic and non-academic field.
• Aligning practices with the principles set out by the EU for human resources development in research and innovation.
• Setting a best practice for implementing EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training.
• Consolidating national and international networks.

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