Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) construction and renovation need an enhanced systematic approach for the quality control of the entire process. The most important part of this enhanced quality contol approach is a fully qualified and equipped workforce, capable to...
Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) construction and renovation need an enhanced systematic approach for the quality control of the entire process. The most important part of this enhanced quality contol approach is a fully qualified and equipped workforce, capable to implement, execute, and perform all the necessary labor actions with a full understanding of the responsability of their own profession and action, as well as the relation with the other involved professions and actions within the chain. Many SME’S of the sector are not yet fully aware of this part of the quality control approach. They are not used to work « cross- craft ». And, furthermore, they do not believe that « conventional » trainings can help them to improve their competencies. They also are reluctant to use BIM. Within this context, BIMplement’s overall aim is to achieve an improved quality for nZEB construction and renovation by setting up large scale innovative training, and BIM enhanced qualification schemes, addressing the entire value chain in a cross-trades and cross-level multidisciolinary approach, strengthened with hands-on and BIM enhanced learning tools.
BIMplement has four objectives :
1 – To improve the overall quality of nZEB new constructions and renovations, based on BIM-enabled workplace learning, adressing the entire value chain in a crosstrade multidisciplinary approach.
2 – To create a new geberation of professionals and craftsmen, qualified to deliver high quality nZEB projects by using technical cross-trade and BIM skills and competences
3 – To foster interactions between different trades and professions enabled by a flexible qualification methodology for integrating technical, cross-trade, and BIM releted skills and competencies into the workplace learning environment
4 – To develop and validate a replication and exploitation strategy in order to sustain the qualification and training schemes.
The BIMplement approach is using hands-on and BIM-enhanced workplace learning tools, BIM being used as an information carrier. As using BIM is new for many SMEs BIMplement combines the upskilling in using BIM the Just-in-Time and Just-in-Place upskilling on nZEB related topics.
The project phases in BIMplement are the following :
• Development phase : BIMplement starts with the development of a BIM-enhanced Qualification Framework (QF) /methodology.
• Implementation phase : The methodology and the qualification schemes are implemented for the subjects Ventilation and Air tightness.
• Pilots, demonstration and validation phase : In each of the 5 Country involved in BIMplement, the methodology and the qualification schemes, made specific to each country, are tested and validated in pilot sites first, and, further on, in experimental sites which are the workplaces of construction and renovation projects. The target group of trainees are white and blue collar workers of SMEs.
The development and the implementation phases are nearly completed, with the following main outcomes and results :
• A BIMplement methodology for a BIM enhanced Qualification Framework.
• A nZEB Quality and Skills Matrix
• A first inventory of selected tools and learning methods usable for BIMplement
The pilots,demonstration and validation phase is on its way, with :
• The selection of 15 local pilot territories
• The appointement of 15 BIMplement coaches » who are the local BIMplement project coordinators. They have been trained and provided with tools.
• The organisation of awareness campaigns, towards :
- Local contractors (with the purpose of (a)raising their awareness about quality issues, and about BIM, and (b) identify workplaces to to test BIMplement,
- And SMEs with the purpose of convincing them to build up their skills
• The selection of 6 « master trainers » (2 in France, 1 in each of the other countries) in charge of implementing the BIMplement trainings, directly or with « work place trainers » to be selected, that they will coach.
• The creation of a guide (draft) including tools, training contents and qualification schemes to be used by BIMplement trainers
The project dissemination and communication activities have been organised, with, among other actions, a website, and a newsletter.
The project coordination is facilitated by the use of a « dropbox », WPleaders web meetings every 6 weeks prepared with summarised reports, consortium members meetings (every 6 months), working sessions, and many informal exchanges.
The project replication and exploitation strategy has been the object of a first working session with all the consortium members, and a first draft of a replication and exploitation plan has been written.
At this stage, the BIMplement methodology and the tools are built « on the paper ». They now have to be tested « at the work place », with construction and renovation projects. The organisation to do so has been set up : the 15 BIMplement coaches, and the 6 « master trainers » have been recruited and trained to to do the job. The « pilot field field labs » have been identified, as well as some experimental sites. 2 training sessions have started in France : these first experiments show that there is a stong interest from both the « contractors » and the SMEs.
The quantitative goals are set : train 1000 blue collar and 200 white collar workers, at 50 worplaces.
The main expected difficulty will be to adapt the planning of the trainings to the planning of the works – a planning which is impacted by unforseen events (weather, administrative procedures) ; The capacity of the trainers to be flexible is therefore a key issue.
An other key issue will be the financing of the trainings : in France a partnership is set up with CONSTRUCTYS which is prepared to finance them, as long as the trainees are SMEs.
One unforseen positive impact may be the sustainability of BIMplement for the clients which have been exposed to it : after having followed the first BIMplement training module both the City of Dijon, and a private builder (KIK, in the north of France) have decided to « BIM » all their projects, and to use them as training places.
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