STIMULANT aims to develop and demonstrate “surface integrity conscious†hybridization of machining processes for safety-critical aero-engine parts that is able to deliver a step-change in Material Removal Rates (MRR) and reduction in production costs. STIMULANT will take...
STIMULANT aims to develop and demonstrate “surface integrity conscious†hybridization of machining processes for safety-critical aero-engine parts that is able to deliver a step-change in Material Removal Rates (MRR) and reduction in production costs. STIMULANT will take key knowledge at different levels of maturity that exists within Consortium, and progress it, via Standard Features (StdFs) methodology, to the demonstration on “engine-like†safety-critical parts.
STIMULANT’s Objectives are scaled on 3 Phases:
Phase 1 – Standard features (StdF) identification
- Decompose families of critical-safety aero-engine parts into classes of StdFs with technical, functional and economic characteristics to allow selection of single/multiple hybrid machining methods that minimize manufacturing costs.
Phase 2 – Validation of individual hybrid machining processes
- Develop and test a Spatially & Temporally Heat-Controlled Hybrid High Speed Machining (Hy-HSMill) for high MRR and cost efficiency and provide predictable properties of workpiece surface integrity and fatigue performance.
- Develop and test a Dynamically Erosion-Controlled Hybrid Waterjet Machining (Hy-WJM) for high productivity and geometrical accuracy of free-forms by controlled-depth, i.e. waterjet milling, and complex contours by waterjet through-cutting and demonstrate it as StdFs with high surface integrity and fatigue performance.
- Develop and test a Dynamically Material Removal Controlled Hybrid Laser Waterjet Guided (Hy-LsWG) machining for generating cost-efficient and high geometrical accuracy of complex geometry surfaces by controlled-depth milling and through-cutting and demonstrate it as StdFs with high surface integrity and fatigue performance.
Phase 3 – Demonstration of hybridization of machining processes and routes
- Demonstrate the hybrid machining methods validated on the Phase 2 on “engine-like†safety-critical parts and integrate them on hybridized processing routes for cost-effective machining of safety-critical aero-engine part.
During this reporting period, the project has progressed well following the work plan. The materials for machining tests and demonstration has been procured and delivered to the workpackages leaders for the development and test of S&T heat controlled Hy-HSMill, Hy-WJM and Hy-LaWG processes. The machining setups for S&T heat controlled Hy-HSMill, dynamically erosion controlled Hy-WJM and dynamically controlled material removal Hy-LaWG have been validated. Standard features have been selected for each process. Mathematical models have been developed and validated for controlling these processes. The pilot StdFs and their quality assessment including surface integrity, geometrical accuracy, residual stress, and fatigue life have been generated as the proven working procedure. Based on these evaluations the process parameters have been optimized for all the proposed hybrid machining process.
STIMULANT aims at developing hybrid machining processes with high material removal rate while guaranteeing good surfaces integrity at the same time with the reduction of cost of the engine parts manufacturing, which will be affordable and thereby enabling a competitive European aerospace industry. This will support the continued development of rotating frames technologies, while at the same time bring benefits for conventional engine architectures like hot section components in a geared ducted fan concept.
During this reporting period, STIMULANT has well developed hybrid machining processes for the engine parts manufacturing with increased material removal rate and while improving the component performance, thus to enable cost reduction on machining difficult-to-cut materials at minimal workpiece surface integrity. This technology will be transferred to other high value-added manufacturing industries (e.g. nuclear installations, automotive, defence, moulds and dies) where the fatigue performance of the parts is a key importance. Hence, it can be expected that the results of STIMULANT will be exploited in the broad EU engineering environment aiming to stimulate the commercial applications, cost reductions, safety and technical innovation thus to enabling a competitive European aerospace industry.
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