The H2020 Euratom INSIDER project aims at improving the management of contaminated materials arising from Decommissioning and Dismantling (D&D) operations by proposing an integrated methodology for radiological characterization. This approach is particularly well suited to...
The H2020 Euratom INSIDER project aims at improving the management of contaminated materials arising from Decommissioning and Dismantling (D&D) operations by proposing an integrated methodology for radiological characterization. This approach is particularly well suited to constrained environments. The methodology is based on advanced statistical processing and modelling, coupled with adapted or innovative analytical and measurement methods, with respect to sustainability and economic objectives. In order to achieve these objectives, the approaches will be then applied to the project case studies as a benchmarking.
Regulatory constraints, needs and technical state of the art has been provided as a common data input and a reference for the final assessment of the contribution of the project results.
One of the highlights of this period are the definitive choice and design of the benchmarking exercices on the different worksites representative of the three use cases of the project.
These choices lead to
- The validation of generic sampling strategies and sampling design,
- The definition of reference materials for intercomparison exercises that will make it possible to control the performance of in-lab analytical methods.
- The organization on interlaboratory comprisons for on site measurement techniques and in lab analytical methods.
Assessment of the outcomes will be used for providing recommendations and guidance resulting in pre-standardization texts.
\"In WP1, during the initial phase of the project, work was dedicated to the setup and the development of tools addressing the collaborative and technological objectives of the project. In parallel, efforts were made to establish the communication framework between partners. The Consortium agrement was established and circulated to all the partners. A regular scientific review of the work and DL of the project is realized.
In WP2 tasks 2.1 (end-user requirements), 2.2 (objective of characterisation and cartography), 2.3 (Definition of needs for innovative technologies development ) and 2.5 (waste minimisation strategies) have been completed. In task 2.4 (evaluation methodology) the three representative usage cases have been identified and the benchmark exercise has been designed. All the planned deliverables have been produced and the milestone MS2 has been reached on time.
In WP3, task 3.1 (Statistical approach status) was finalised and its main output is \"\"Report on the state of the art†(D3.1). The task 3.2 (Statistical approach development and implementation) was also finalised, its main output is “Report on the sampling strategy developmentâ€(D3.2) and an end user friendly web based tool (Deliverable 3.3) available to all INSIDER participants. The task 3.3 (Performing the statistical approach on 3 reference use cases) was initiated and still on progress. Its main achievement so far is the milestones 4.
In WP4, the main work performed is:
- the elaboration of questionnaire and summary report evaluating radiochemical measurement techniques in European laboratories
- the development of a novel procedure for measuring Fe-55 in a restricted facility
- reference material composition has been established with participating labs, and production of materials is underway.
In WP5, main work performed is:
- elaboration of a database of European companies working in D&D .
- production of a deliverable containing the inventory of the radiological characterization methodologies than may be applied in constrained environments.
- classification/categorization of the constrained environments and the impacts they generated
- participation in the UC and ILC materials definition and in the definition of the in-situ measurements campaigns. Participation in the benchmark exercise at the SCK-CEN
In WP6, task 6.2 (Benchmarking (ILC on real sample) organisation) has been completed: the organisation letter and the template for results concerning UC2 in situ comparison were distributed to the measurers before the on site measurements. Task 6.1 (ILCs organisation) concerning the organisation of interlaboratory comparisons on two synthetic certified reference materials has been submited to the INSIDER project leader on due time.
In WP7 tasks 7.1 (End user Group Assessment), 7.2 (State of Knowledge), 7.4 (Dissemination) and 7.6 (Public Communication) have been successfully started. The EUG, the bases for the INSIDER SoK and the communication action plan, including a communication strategy and the production of a communication toolkit (logo & visual identity, public website, print communication, first newsletter), have been established. All the planned deliverables have been produced on time.\"
The final objectif of the INSIDER project is the global reduction of radioactive waste generation including their apropriate categorization. A thorough and well-tailored characterisation of the facilities and sites subject to D&D is essential to build of a fit-for-purpose representation of the radiological status of facilities (or equipments), at a relevant precision level, in support to D&D scenario.
In constrained environment based on the present methodology feedback, progress in terms of sampling strategy approaches is needed. A first step has been reached in the project through the development of an generic strategy for handling decommissioning characterization problem, including sampling design and data analysis. Existing relevant statistic tools for small datasets have been precisely identified and qualified. A web-based application is already avaliable for a thorough analysis of these strategy.
The main focus of cost-effective analytical method studies is the preparation of complex D&D samples. An analytical microsystem for liquid- liquid extraction separation of the radiocuclides of interest was specifically developed and qualified during this first period.
Realistic assessment and high controlled performances of in lab chemical analysis methods are expected to really complement onsite results. The traceability to international measurement system will be demonstrated in two use cases of the project based on the matrix (concrete, and effluent solution) certified reference materials which defined and nearly ready to be produced and characterized. They have been designed for use with both destructive and non-destructive methods.
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