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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EEN Normandie h2020 (Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network Normandie)


In 2017-2018, it was difficult for both partners of the Normandy consortium to complete the H2020 action.First of all, concerning the KAM activity, only 3 Norman companies benefited from the SME Instrument. 2 companies were accompanied by a Norman KAM. One file was finalized...


In 2017-2018, it was difficult for both partners of the Normandy consortium to complete the H2020 action.
First of all, concerning the KAM activity, only 3 Norman companies benefited from the SME Instrument. 2 companies were accompanied by a Norman KAM. One file was finalized during the period and another was started but will be finalized in 2019.
This is explained in particular by the geographical scope of the consortium which, compared to other French regions, is not large.
The consortium EEN Normandy was quite active on the promotion of H2020 with the establishment of infodays H2020 and the establishment of the network of Norman actors on European projects, TENOR. But the SME Instrument is very selective and few companies are elected.
Concerning the diagnosis management of the innovation, the action was hardly implemented also by the partners. This can be explained in particular by a restructuring in the AD Normandy and non-replaced departure of advisors assigned to the project. The remaining advisor has also been faced with growing demands from companies on consulting and has made efforts in 2018 but which are not yet sufficient to achieve the goals. For 2019, an additional advisor should be able to be deployed on this action.

Work performed

The consortium was unable to achieve its initial objectives due to a restructuring of the AD and a significant turn-over, including departures from CCI Normandie.

Final results

The impact is small because of the small number of companies supported. However, the companies supported on the KAM or the EIMC are very satisfied with the support provided by EEN Normandie. For example, for the EIMC activities, companies reported that the delivery of the diagnosis was an important asset to financial organizations and partners for the company. This proves that the leader has taken into account the strategy and is well aware of the points to work to make new projects emerge recurrently.

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