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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MetaTox-HS (Advanced Solutions for High Sensitivity Metabolism and Toxicity Assays)


Drug failure and high development cost (est. €2.3bn/new drug) has driven enormous growth in market need for scientific tests and models of disease that better translate from the bench (in vitro) to the bedside (in vivo). Critical tests to facilitate this are either not...


Drug failure and high development cost (est. €2.3bn/new drug) has driven enormous growth in market need for scientific tests and models of disease that better translate from the bench (in vitro) to the bedside (in vivo). Critical tests to facilitate this are either not available or are not in the appropriate format. MetaTox LUX can now bring these high-performance tests to the broad community of laboratory scientists by delivering appropriate microplate-based solutions for measurement on conventional fluorescence plate readers, and enabling sensor technologies to better monitor the cells submitted to such tests. These solutions are based on existing low cost, flexible, easy to use and accessible in vitro cell metabolism and toxicity assays (in development) that are considerably enhanced through combination with the consumable products delivered by the MetaTox-HS project. These outputs will be achieved through leveraging an innovative synergy of fluorescence nanosensor technology, advanced polymer microfabrication and electronic engineering.

Work performed

WP1: MitoXpress UHS: Requirement specifications captured, prototyping and performance testing performed and first volume production process initiated.

WP2: dOxyCheck: Requirement specifications captured, sensors optimised for sample and reference measurement. Prototype instruments successfully measuring sensors and delivering analyte concentrations.

WP3: Demonstration: Solution demonstration and initial utility assessment complete for cell respiration measurements. Solution demonstration also initiated for dOxyCheck.

WP4: Training & Dissemination: Commercialisation Plan developed, initial inputs assimilated from WP3 in preparation for materials development and related dissemination. Early KOL engagement underway.

WP5: Business Solution Exploitation: Commercial Partner Agreements established. Sales channel preparation underway

WP6: Project Management: Composite PMP developed, Resources managed through new hires and restructuring of project organisational structure. Regular structured interaction between sub-contract partners and early adopters as per Communications Plan.

Final results

Significant progress has been made in period 1 towards the development of high sensitivity assays for the analysis of drug-induce metabolic perturbation. This has been demonstrated using prototype plastics solutions which have already been submitted to the first round of volume manufacture. This is a significant advance on the state of the art in regard to the sensitivity, flexibility and accessibility of the measurements. It is expected that this enabling solution will be fully optimised and upscaled prior to project end, representing a considerable technical achievement and underpinning significant commercial potential.

Significant progress has also been made in sensor development, and instrumentation productisation, whereby novel optical sensors have been developed and are currently being upscaled, and intuitive measurements solution are at a late prototyping stage prior to first end-user engagement. This is a significant advance on the state of the art, particularly with regard to sensor design and flexible sensor deployment. It is expected that a the fully functional enabling measurement solution (sensors and instrument) will be developed, demonstrated and deployed prior to project end.

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