Vehicles and vehicle subsystems are complex, their development requires the collaboration of experts and the collection of expertise from many different disciplines of vehicle development. The quality of the developed products must be further improved, energy consumption and...
Vehicles and vehicle subsystems are complex, their development requires the collaboration of experts and the collection of expertise from many different disciplines of vehicle development. The quality of the developed products must be further improved, energy consumption and material prize minimized while at the same time the development time to market needs to be reduced. Next to design, simulation of the vehicle systems down to their components as well as testing of the same are the generalized tasks of the development.
Current state-of-the-art is usage of segregated simulation and testing tasks using different incompatible tools from the Concept Phase development of a vehicle until the Model-in-the-loop and Hardware-in-the-Loop development.
A further improved and optimized development process will help to develop products for electrified mobility having better market acceptance. The end product will be of better quality and less energy consuming. At the end, this will lead to a faster transition towards a CO2-emission-free society.
HiFi-ELEMENTS addresses these tasks and issues by introducing a standard for simulation of electrical vehicles and components that can be employed seamlessly from Concept to MiL and HiL using a standardized simulation architecture and simulation interface standards for signals and control. Part of the interface standards is the promotion of Functional Mockup Interfaces (FMI). It allows that simulation models from different origin, different partners or also different domains (e.g. thermal,electrical, mechanical, etc.). The overarching toolchain that is being developed in HiFi-Elements incorporates Co-Simulation tools (xMOD) and Toolchain management software (SYNECT).
Next to the standards, HiFi-ELEMENTS will develop according to the defined standards High- and Low-Fidelity simulation models for the main components of an electric vehicle, as the e-Machine, the Battery, the inverter, the DC/DC converter, the Vehicle, the driver, etc. Those component models will then be used to exercise the simulation within 4 use cases which will address the main objectives of the project: Reduction of development and testing efforts by more than 50%, Decrease in vehicle energy consumption by up to 20%, Increase in valication test coverage up to 10-fold.
We completed the definition of a standard vehicle architecture for modeling and an interface standard. Both were already published on the project website. They are under review or being considered for adoption by other research projects (OBELICS, SELFIE). The development and implementation, validation of several e-Machine models as well as a lateral and longitudinal vehicle dynamics model using the HiFi-Standard has been completed.
First component simulation models based on the new interface standard have been developed using either C-code, SIMULINK, KULI, FMU or xmodel standard. The models comprise several e-Machine models and a vehicle dynamics model which is just about to be delivered. The models will be available in a Low Fidelity as well as High Fidelity version to support both Real Time but also Concept Investigation and model calibration in the same system architecture.
Based on the system architecture model a 150% system model has been created in SYNECT as a superposition of all five architectures. To support the tool-chain driven derivation of the individual 100% architectures from the 150% system model a formal Variant Model in SYNECT is required.
A Variant Model comprises all variable aspects of a domain and their options. By Variant Management, the model integration process of the HIFI-ELEMENTS project is simplified. A Variant Configuration that finally characterises a simulation model at vehicle level can be defined by referring to the variants of the Variant Model. Thereby, variant-specific information required by automatic workflows such as model integration, build, simulation or test can be provided easily.
Until the end of the project, we expect to develop further relevant simulation models for e-vehicle components and with their use in four selected use cases the efficiency of the newly developed standards and toolchain will be demonstrated. The results will allow developers and suppliers to use a common simulation environment which will lead to a speed-up in the set-up of simulation models, both resulting in a possible shortening of the development time and a further analytical improvement of the final e-vehicle package. This is not only realized by an improved selection process of e-vehicle concepts and components which increases competitiveness, but also by the increase of test coverage which will contribute to and improved safety of the developed e-vehicle products.
As one of the main goals of HiFi-Elements is to develop and publish a simulation standard for e-drive and its components, further activities will concentrate on the dissemination of the project results to a wider community of interested persons and institutions. According to the current plan, a dissemination event will be held in the last months of the project. By means of this, the results of HiFi-Elements may also serve as the foundation of a simulation standard which can be maintained beyond the run-time of this project.
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