IP4 “IT solutions for attractive Railway services†is specifying and developing a set of tools and services, allowing the citizens to manage in a seamless manner their door to door multi-modal journeys, and therefore allowing the rail to stay at the backbone of the...
IP4 “IT solutions for attractive Railway services†is specifying and developing a set of tools and services, allowing the citizens to manage in a seamless manner their door to door multi-modal journeys, and therefore allowing the rail to stay at the backbone of the mobility ecosystem.
The COHESIVE project answers to the S2R-CFM-IP4-02-2017 and is dedicated to the “Integrated Technologies Demonstrator†(ITD) covering all IP4 activities. Indeed, COHESIVE will not develop any research studies, but will progressively integrate and demonstrate the various technological innovations developed in the other IP4 projects.
This objective will be achieved through specific activities: set up of a common technical approach for all IP4 projects allowing the collection of consistent results, definition of (three) successive use-cases with increased scope and market value, integration of the building blocks developed in the other IP4 projects, and flagship demonstrations which will pave the way of a solid market uptake.
Passengers\' mobility demand is generated from various sources and still growing. According to the White Paper on Competitive and Sustainable Transport [EU, COM(2011) 144], in 2008, passengers were responsible for 60% of all EU Transport greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mostly on interurban and regional travel (< 500 km). While at a local level the nature and weight of flows may depend on several factors such as the size of the city or urban community, the quality of infrastructure, the motorization rate, income, etc. In large cities, where traffic is constrained and circulation difficult, the home to work trips represent a small percentage of the passengers\' travels; for instance, in Paris according to a recent STIF (www.stif.org/) survey, only 20% of internal city trips are home to work, the rest of the flow is generated by other activities, like shopping, leisure. This situation is the same in many large European cities. In smaller territories, the percentages are more balanced between home to work and other activities.
The COHESIVE project will address the following high-level objectives associated to the overall IP4 and specifically to the IP4 demonstrations:
Objective 1: Guarantee a Technical Coordinated Interface amongst the different projects S2R/IP4, interacting and cooperating closely with each them to ensure coordinated objectives and consistent content as well as planning stability and technical uniformity;
Objective 2: Federate a community around the innovation concepts proposed within the different IP4 projects, to congregate the largest possible range and number of relevant stakeholders intensifying the acceptance and applicability of the concepts proposed;
Objective 3: Ensure Engineering Consistency throughout the different Technical Demonstrators by validating/assuring interoperability of components, modules and services;
Objective 4: Promote convergence of all IP4 technical demonstrators to guarantee a technical and operational rationales and reach coherent, sound and, ideally, auto-explanatory demonstrators. These demonstrators aim to show that the effect of the current technical fragmentation and complexity felt in the ground transportation sector is diluted or minimized when the integrated approach taken in IP4 is applied;
Objective 5: Dissemination and Communication of the results obtained by promoting and exposing the benefits and applicability of the concepts in IP4. These will be further demonstrated within the different deliverables and technical demonstrators, applied to particular use cases using adequate scopes of ‘travel corridors’ to each phase, and involving a number of major European transport operators and Urban Transport authorities covering a diversity of legacy systems and environments;
Objective 6: Assurance of the Openness of new solutions and architecture specifications as new participants join and embrace the concept and increase its coverage and adoption;
Objective 7: To
Summarizing, during the reporting period, the consortia carried out the following activities:
• Setting up the project organization
• Definition of the project internal functional model
• Definition and implementation of common technical methodology and procedures
• Setup of a system modelling tool (Capella) to support and ensure consistent and coherent design, to be applied to all the IP4 running projects. Promote training of the tool.
• Definition of the main coordination and interfacing rules with the other CFM and OC projects
• Production of the organizational supporting documentation
• Participation of the integration and testing activities (generic)
• Fostering the Interface between CFM and OC projects
• Identification of GAPs between projects to cover TDs consistency development and evolution
• Drive of joint (IP4) definitions of use cases
• Identification of most common mobility distresses (passenger paint points), to be addressed by the IP4 projects and concept
• Study and definition of User Profiles for a sample of typical travellers, .
• Drive of the joint (IP4) definition of Demonstrations
• Coordination of the preparation of the Innotrans quick win demonstration
• Participation in the integration and testing activities for the Innotrans2018 quick win
The main result and impact achieved at this very early stage of the project, was the components integration for the public demonstration of the concept at InnoTrans 2018.
There the concept and the available functionalities fed by the running projects (Co-active and ATTRACkTIVE) were demonstrated and discussed with the specialized audience present t the event.
More info: https://projects.shift2rail.org/s2r_ip4_n.aspx.