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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TRANSAFELOAD (The European Leader Equipment for Packaging Testing)


\"Big brand owners, packaging manufacturers and logistic companies are facing losses of €50.000 million/year worldwide due to goods damages during transportation. Governments across the world are implementing guidelines to ensure quality of packed goods and safety during...


\"Big brand owners, packaging manufacturers and logistic companies are facing losses of €50.000 million/year worldwide due to goods damages during transportation. Governments across the world are implementing guidelines to ensure quality of packed goods and safety during their delivery. Packaging testing simulates the risk damages experienced by the packed goods during their distribution. The European Commission has established the directive 2014/47/EU for safe shipment of goods. In May 2018, this directive starts to force all the transport players to ensure the stability and safety of the loads. Currently in the market there is a lack of competitive simulation equipment. In the race to achieve \"\"0 fatalities by 2050\"\", established by 2011 Transport White Paper, we only find few American innovative technologies. Our solution is the first European tool to simulate the transportation risks events such as drops, impacts, vibration and compression for packed goods. We aim to launch to the market an integral solution 10% more price-competitive, with the broadest load range for packaging test simulation and able to reproduce real movements, thanks to its patented mechanism. Furthermore, aligned with the environmental European regulatory D1994/62/CE for packaging waste reduction, our system will help the optimization of packaging material, reducing it about 20% and saving at least €800M/year\"

Work performed

Safe Load TT, along this 1st period has been working on two main areas: Technical and Commercial & Marketing. The targets 1 and 2 are to improve the random vibration and impact simulation designs. The optimization of the existing units has been done through reduction in weight, dimensions and costs, standardization of the elements, improving materials and control new features. Now we are testing the real industrial market interest in order to manufacture the prototypes along the 2nd period of the project. The target 3 is to improve the horizontal stability simulation prototype developed during 2016. All the improvements are applied. These are reduction in costs and weight, new motor technology, new simulation offer (custom acceleration and roundabout) and implementation of safety issues. A new commercial unit is designed. The target 4 is in process and its purpose is to improve the current drop testing design. The new design will have new issues as implementation of a security fence and new controller. The target 5 is to improve the compression tester and generate a commercial 3D model adapted to the market. These improvements are new compact design and implementation of control software. The target 6 is to improve the original data recorder applying new technologies (new sensors, GPS, bluetooth configuration). The tasks that we are going to start is to record European routes, analyze them, integrate the obtained PSD and simulate it on the vibration simulator. Nowadays, a new data recorder is done and a new design is in process with more sensors, GPS and Bluetooth. The target 7 is to offer the most innovative technology and to guarantee the capability of attending the market demand (estimate 20 ud/year). During this 1st period, some technical exhibitions have been visited looking for new technologies to improve our machines. In our Com&Mkt areas we have been working on the target 8 which is to establish a commercial net and to disseminate the development of our simulation system within the goods transport sector. During this 1st period, we have contacted more than 300 potential clients in order to show our new brand technology and its capabilities and benefits. As well, we have attended 5 trade fairs, 4 exhibitions and 3 specialized conferences. Additionally, we have created a strong SEO strategy based on a new web designed to show us as the leader of this sector, together with our active participation at the social media. The target 9 is to get a legal protection of our devices and to come into effect the European safety standards, which are tasks that we are developing along the two periods. And the target 10 is to control the financial, legal and administrative coordination of the project. As well, the coordination of the team with periodic meetings and the effective communication with EC. All tasks are being done permanently

Final results

The progress of this project is extraordinary, we are already a principle actor of the sector. We are already part of the main public associations (ISTA, EUMOS and IAPRI) where we are involved in the technical committees.
Our brand name is known by most of customers involved in our sector. Most of them appreciate positively our arrival, they value our products as high-tech equipment with a smart design and easy to manage. This has made that we have already prepared and sent quotations up to a big value to the potential customers.
• Our competitors are only able to partially simulate packaged loads behaviors during transport, while we are offering a full range solution.
• Comparing to our equipment, the lack of accuracy of our competitors’ machines, represents a remarkable advantage.
• The competitors’ equipment only performs the effect of horizontal force adapted to American standard, but not to the new European EUMOS test with a single machine, while our equipment performs both.
• They cannot simulate the real effects of vibrations on the packages during distribution, as these technologies suffer from lack of recorded PSD (Power Spectral Density) with data for the European road map. Safe Load TT has developed a device for monitoring the routes of transport and make available the profiles that are then used to test with our simulation equipment.
• They are more expensive. Lansmont, our main competitor, offers impact equipment that do not cover full testing of packaging transportation risks with a price around €0,5M, which is 10% more expensive than our solution.

Expected results
At end of 2018 we expect to start to invoice some customer, and we are negotiating with some more customers that want to buy some of our equipment along the 2019 year. As it was planned on the GA, we are going to start to sell machinery before finishing 2018 and will grow up during 2019.
We have already created the two functional prototypes that we are validating at market with potential customers before we start to manufacture them.
Likewise, we are designing all equipment in order to accomplish the CE mark, so all our machineries will be sold with CE mark.

Potential impacts
Our successful strategy is leading us to introduce our company in the most important markets (Usa and China) before the time that it was planned, because we are getting requests from these countries. We expect to generate an impact in the most important markets (Europe, Usa and China) along 2019 and 2020. Attending to these actions, we are going to reach more than 600 customers during 2019 and 2020. This means that we expect to reach a revenue of €1M in 2019 and €2M in 2020

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