\"On the 3rd of October 2018, EU lawmakers back 40 percent CO2 cut for cars, vans by 2030 and 2 weeks later, the 18th of October; same EU lawmakers back 35% CO2 cut for trucks by 2030.Electrification of the powertrain through sophisticated Hybridation or batteries will not be...
\"On the 3rd of October 2018, EU lawmakers back 40 percent CO2 cut for cars, vans by 2030 and 2 weeks later, the 18th of October; same EU lawmakers back 35% CO2 cut for trucks by 2030.
Electrification of the powertrain through sophisticated Hybridation or batteries will not be enough to fulfill these objectives as it seems not realistic to multiply the production of Lithium by 20 in five years.
It opens the door to promote breakthrough solutions for IC (Internal Combustion) vehicles allowing a better control of pollutants and CO2 emissions by a co-optimization of the engine/fuel system. Recent studies showed that co-optimizing the engine according to XTL fuels allows cutting CO2 emissions by nearly 11%. It means that biofuels 2nd generation can be the path to move to Zero Emission / CO2 vehicles during this transition period as the introduction of biofuels with smart engines control can achieve 1/3 of the target...To do so, there is a need to control the quality and the type of the fuel going from the tank to the engine. Fuel Quality sensor seems to be the best choice to provide real time and continuous information that can be also stored for Regulations and control purpose as well.
The vision of SP3H over the last 10 years developping innovative IR fuel quality scanner seems to be 100% aligned with EU targets and COP21 challenges as explained in the summary of our VIP project awarded last year under H2020 SME instrument phase 2 :
The 1st of October 2017, EU under H2020 SME Instrument program has validated our VIP project. The objective is to develop, at an industrial level, a fuel quality sensor solution to be installed on-board vehicles for CO2 reduction. At a time when all eyes are turning to alternative, carbon-free methods of propulsion, technology related to electric batteries and fuel cells are at the forefront when it comes to the means of producing or storing energy.
However, the duration of the transition phase should not be underestimated - when existing technology and thermal engines are improved. The thermal engine is, and will remain for these next 30 years, the best way of moving vehicles. This means there is a part that must be dealt with urgently: the CLEAN thermal vehicle during this long transitional phase.
Europe and the world\'s leading jurisdictions are advocating and legislatively pushing for the adoption and widespread use of renewable fuels, which promote the circular economy and short circuits. These new fuels operate in traditional \"\"drop in fuel\"\" engines (i.e. up to 100%) by offering a reduction in CO2 of up to 90% compared to a conventional gasoline or diesel fossil fuel on the complete Well to Wheel cycle.
It is therefore the strengthening of legislation and taxation based on CO2 and pollutant emissions, coupled with a stricter approval process, including a part on vehicle real field use conditions which will lead to the integration and spread of new on-board measurement and control systems, closer to the fuel tank system. This combination of constraints on vehicle approval, the regulatory effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions combined with the availability on the market of refined renewable fuels in compliance with the RFQ / RED Guidelines on large volumes, opens a real prospect for the integration of a connected fuel quality/CO2 reduction function.
Fuel monitoring system also opens the door for automakers for engine/fuel co-optimization allowing to double CO2 saving by reaching up to 10% compared to a standard combustion with fossil fuels.
Three key milestones were reached during this first period.
The first one was related to the (re)design of the fuelbox (mechanical electronics, optics) which was fully validated and was produced and tested with the first few units. (See pictures below).
The second key point was dedicated to develop a mathematical “transfert function†in between units with the respect of large volume production. The transfer function is a mathematical correction (a small file) applied to take into account small mechanical and components drifts between each unit. The corrective file is implemented from a master system to slave units then allow producing in mass the sensor for automotive market. After 1 year of development under VIP project, the new design is now available with optimized calibration transfer. The calibration transfer protocol was dully validated using 3 independents units with 100% of success.
The third key milestone of the first year of VIP, was to demonstrate significant saving and gains in terms of CO2, pollutants which was successfully demonstrated over the period.
Other milestones were devoted to dissimination and communication tasks, in order to create more visibility around VIP project and on-going development around our smart fluidBOX. By participating to 13 events in France and Europe, SP3H was able to create a momentum with our clients and partners and leverage our capabilities for process industries market.
During the first period of VIP, it was possible to have a third party confirmation about achievable performance obtained by the co-optimization between engine and HVO (XtL) fuels.
Results were presented during the international congress of diesel powertrain 3.0 organized by FEV. Conclusions as presented in front of the international audience (automakers, universities, suppliers) are very positives (-10.8% on CO2) and highlight the need the use an on-board fuels sensor.
The fuel sensing technology of SP3H can make a significant contribution to predict engine out emissions. Modeling of emissions improves significantly while using fuel sensor data combined with ECU data. The results of the study held by the German automaker definitively validate the use of the V1 prototype Fuel box on-board a vehicle.
The high performance reached by the V2 design with the new choice of opt-electronics components gave us the possibility to present also the technology to the process industry, especially for large companies involved in Chemical, Refining, Agro/Food manufacturing.
Thanks to the results obtained under VIP program and the high visibility provided by the H2020 SME instrument phase 2 label ( for instance with phase 3 in front of P&G and GSK companies), it was possible to enlarge the scope of the potential of the products to all the fluid markets.
The impact for CO2 reduction will be bigger than only the first application forcasted (transportation market) as we can offer a digital solution (inside the industry 4.0 and Bigdata scheme) which will optimize process operation ( organic fluids) then reduce energy cost needed for process industries to transform raw materials into high value products
More info: http://www.sp3h.com/sp3h-at-a-glance-2/vip-h2020/.