The Commission’s 2011 White Paper states that by 2050, rail should substantially expand its modal share over medium and long distances. This is consistent with the Policy goals of expanding rail capacity, both cited in the Horizon 2020 and Shift2Rail (S2R) calls. Considering...
The Commission’s 2011 White Paper states that by 2050, rail should substantially expand its modal share over medium and long distances. This is consistent with the Policy goals of expanding rail capacity, both cited in the Horizon 2020 and Shift2Rail (S2R) calls. Considering the ambitious Horizon 2020 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) calling for a surge in the utilisation of capacity within a range 70-90%, yards, hubs and terminals play a key role in facilitating this step-change by contributing to a competitive, reliable and safe freight transport.
To meet the needs of S2R and Horizon 2020, OptiYard will design decision support tool for yard managers that will help them to optimise processes and manage their yards more efficiently. It will do this in real-time, with interaction with relevant network. The processes must be performed in real-time, to guarantee on-time delivery and operational efficiency, in particular, for single wagon transport.
OptiYard addresses critical operational points of the transport chain (both rail marshalling yards or as transfer points to other modes) to improve capacity and reliability. OptiYard will facilitate real-time interaction between yard and relevant network IT systems that allow for software based planning and ultimately optimisation of single wagonload and blocktrain operational processes.
Building on the current state of the art and practice, the ambition of OptiYard is to provide a fully functional software module where real-time yard management, interaction with the network and ad-hoc timetable planning will be simulated in real-time. The optimization module and algorithms will be proven for large and complex freight transport networks, and integrate well with IP5 activities towards automation, e.g. intelligent assets and automated shunting and mainline operations.
OptiYard activities during the first reporting period regarded three areas: an analysis of the two case studies (the Czech marshalling yard of Česká Třebová, and the Italian yard of Trieste Campo Marzio), to simulate intelligent real-time yard operations; an analysis of real-time interaction between the yards and the surrounding railway network; an analysis of actual information and communication processes, to define improvement actions, through the definition of strategies for two-way interactions between yard and network in real-time, so that the information about the current state-of-play in the yard feeds forward to the decisions on how to manage the network
The main results consisted in a full mapping of functional requirements and technical characteristics for real-time data management; the identification of yard processes, and the definition of strategies for improving real-time yard operation in relation to the relevant real-time information obtained from the network; a validated simulation environment with all the key elements of the OptiYard eco system, their roles and actions in the eco system.
The communication system interface of OptiYard is aimed at developing improved automatic decision support. Interactive work between yard management and train management on the network will point out the relevant field and methods for a more complete integration when full automation in ETA elaboration will be available on the Network
OptiYard integrated yard simulation environment with a link to the network allows real-time ETA and ETD to be incorporated in yard operations and in network management.
OptiYard designs and develops the automated optimization of yard management, and it allows to effectively organize the use of the available resources in real-time, for an improvement of punctuality and reliability and a precise prediction of the estimated time of each train and wagon operation.
The decision-support tool for network management and ad-hoc timetabling of OptiYard allows flexibility both to dispatch ETD to available timetable slot and to inform the yard to prepare the train (both single wagon and block trains). Moreover it will manage network traffic up- and down-stream of the yard in identifying suitable time slot for ETD by an interactive work and data exchange between yard management and network traffic management.
OptiYard, monitoring in advance data from train to arrive in the yard, will be able to optimize the use of adequate resources to take care of the specific procedures applicable to wagons carrying dangerous goods and to optimize such processes.
By developing the monitoring and introducing automated data collection on the train composition OptiYard will enhance the reliability of the operations in the final destination terminals.
The project OptiYard will define and follow the evolution of KPI’s, characterizing competitiveness, reliability, resilience and quality of the operations as well as real-time information for the customer.
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