Distribution Grid Efficiency, Quality and Reliability through Digital TechnologiesDistribution System Operators (DSOs) assure the reliable and efficient electricity supply to geographically distributed customers. The medium-voltage and low-voltage (LV) grids are in most cases...
Distribution Grid Efficiency, Quality and Reliability through Digital Technologies
Distribution System Operators (DSOs) assure the reliable and efficient electricity supply to geographically distributed customers. The medium-voltage and low-voltage (LV) grids are in most cases still designed and operated based on historical assumptions for consumption and generation profiles. Fault-localization in LV grids is to a large extent based on customer calls and subsequent inspection of grid components in the field. On the other hand, there is an increasing number of digital grid-related data sources, including smart meters at customer sites or smart inverters that connect storage or distributed generation (mainly from renewable energy sources), see Figure 1, but the information from such sources has not yet been harnessed for grid planning and operation.
The Net2DG project will develop a proof-of-concept solution based on off-the-shelf computing hardware that uses available communication technologies to leverage measurement data from smart meters and smart inverters as well as other sources in LV grids. The Net2DG solution correlates these data with information from existing DSO subsystems, in order to enable and develop novel LV grid observability applications for voltage quality, grid operation efficiency, and LV grid outage diagnosis. The achieved observability is subsequently used by specifically developed novel control coordination approaches, which utilize the existing smart meter and smart inverter actuation capabilities in conjunction with selected existing DSO actuation for voltage quality enhancement and loss minimization in the LV grid.
The use of off-the-shelf components, the system level resilience and security solution, and the offered customizability of the Net2DG approach specifically address the needs of regional DSOs. Therefore, the Net2DG solution allows regional DSOs to become early adopters of digital technologies for LV outage diagnosis, grid operation efficiency optimization and voltage quality.
The Net2DG consortium achieved the following main outcomes during the first year of Net2DG:
1) Definition and prioritization of a set of 12 use-cases based on concrete problems and interest from the two DSOs in the consortium and from the 11 reference group members (DSOs and DSO organizations in Austria, Germany, and Denmark). For details on these use-cases and their prioritization and on derived requirements for applications implementing these use-cases, see the public deliverable [D1.1].
2) Definition of Net2DG solution architecture: An architecture and the corresponding procedures that allow to connect to different data and actuation subsystems have been defined. This architecture is centered around an ICT Gateway which is the main enabler to correlate data from different sources and which allows to run applications for observability and control coordination on top independently of the specific data access procedure and data representation of the different subsystems. See Figure 2 and [D1.2] for further details.
3) Definition of grid modeling approaches: Two types of grid models have been defined: The first one, called Reference Grid Model, is used for assessment of the Net2DG applications; the second one, called Observability Grid Model, is used to calculate additional input parameters for the grid observability applications (e.g., calculate current and voltage values for all grid nodes in the LV topology). See the public version of [D2.1] for details.
4) Design of prioritized Net2DG observability applications: The five highest priority observability applications have been designed with a focus on the release that will be implemented in the first development cycle in Q1/Q2 2019 (called Release 1):’Outage Detection’, ’Loss Calculation and Recording’, ’Outage Diagnosis’, ’Preventive Maintenance’ and ’Grid Monitoring’.
5) ICT analysis and security analysis: The interfaces to the different subsystems (grid topology subsystem, inverter measurement and actuation, Advanced Metering System, stationary electrical measurements) have been analyzed in detail. In addition, a security and fault analysis has been performed for the developed architecture. See [D3.1] for details.
6) Design of ICT Gateway and other required components: The detailed structure of the Release 1 ICT Gateway implementation together with the used data models and its interfaces have been designed. See [D3.1] for details.
7) Initiation of dissemination and exploitation of results: The project has already started to address three main target audiences: (1) The general public, (2) the scientific and industrial community; (3) and - with specific attention - the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) ; in addition to intensive involvement of the two DSOs in the consortium, the Net2DG project has set up a reference group containing 5 Austrian DSOs, 3 German DSOs, 1 Danish DSO and 2 Danish DSO organizations.
A Digital Grid Distributing Fully Renewable Energy
The success of the Net2DG approach will enable regional DSOs to create value from smart meter and inverter data in a secure and privacy-protecting manner:
• Net2DG creates software solutions for DSOs, which can be installed quickly and easily and result in cost savings for DSOs.
• Net2DG solutions will reduce grid losses and outages and help with the optimization of grid operation and maintenance using available grid measurement data.
• Net2DG will help regional DSOs become early adopters of digital technology for LV outage diagnosis, grid operation efficiency and voltage quality.
• Net2DG will enable an extended hosting capacity for the integration of renewable energy sources in the low voltage grid by the active use of remotely controllable end devices in the field.
As a consequence of the increased observability and novel control coordination, LV grid reinforcement investments of DSOs for increased hosting of renewable generation are expected to be reduced by 30% in comparison to the currently used worst case planning methods.
More info: http://www.net2dg.eu.