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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - H2H (EGNSS Hull-to-Hull)


The overall objective of the H2H project is to address the need of the maritime community to navigate safely in close proximity of other vessels and objects, being stationary or moving. This will assist mariners in making correct navigation decisions. Further, this will be a...


The overall objective of the H2H project is to address the need of the maritime community to navigate safely in close proximity of other vessels and objects, being stationary or moving. This will assist mariners in making correct navigation decisions. Further, this will be a fundamental condition for autonomous vessels.

The H2H approach will allow actors to establish proximity zones for own vessel as well as neighbouring objects with high precision and high integrity.

The project includes implementation of a pilot sensor package, to be demonstrated in Norway (simultaneous operation), Holland (auto-mooring operation) and Belgium (inland waterway operations).

Work performed

H2H project kick-off performed on 8/12-2017.
H2H web-site has been established:
Project administration set up, with data storage, reporting templates and document templates.
All deliverables planned for first period have been reviewed and approved. The H2H concept has been elaborated and consolidated, and reflected concept description and system requirements. This basis, together with demonstration planning, has lead to the definition of in pilot system requirements and requirements for safe and secure communications. A preliminary business plan has been prepared, which will be finalized for final review after second period.

Final results

At the end of first reporting period the project the results are promising with regard to expected performance. Presentations at different conferences and other fora have shown a great interest in the H2H concept, and it is expected even more interest when actual demonstrations have been completed in the second period.

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