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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REMOTE (Remote area Energy supply with Multiple Options for integrated hydrogen-based TEchnologies)


To meet post-2020 EU targets , a deep penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) like solar and wind is required. Still, the issue of intermittency has to be solved and one significant option is developing bulk energy storage solutions for electricity that are...


To meet post-2020 EU targets , a deep penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) like solar and wind is required. Still, the issue of intermittency has to be solved and one significant option is developing bulk energy storage solutions for electricity that are cost-effective, energy dense, reliable.
In particular, in the case of isolated micro-grid or off-grid remote areas, the business case of energy storage is even more interesting and important, as the network is essentially non-existent or there is the interest of managing the local network in an independent way.
The REMOTE EU Horizon2020 4 years funded project, developed under the coordination of Politecnico di Torino together with 10 European partners, has the aim to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of two H2-based energy storage solutions (one integrated P2P system and one non-integrated P2G+G2P system). Four DEMO sites supplied by renewable electricity will be installed in either isolated micro-grids or off-grid remote areas of northern and southern Italy (Ambornetti and Ginostra), Greece (Agkistro), Norway (Froan island; in the first part of the project, the system will be placed on-shore at Rye).
The overall objectives of the project are:
• VALIDATE the four real demonstration units, in order to enable suppliers, end-users and general stakeholders to gain experience throughout the value chain of energy storage.
• DEMONSTRATE, through the 4 DEMOs, the added value of the FC-based H2 energy storage solutions with respect to alternative technologies in terms of economics, technical and environmental benefits.
• DIRECT ENGAGEMENT OF END-USERS: each DEMO site foresees the direct participation of the end-user to the project.
• CREATION OF NEW KNOW-HOW for next-generation fully integrated P2P chains based on fuel cells and H2 technologies adapted to market and society\'s needs, with scientific advances in the management of off-grid and isolated micro-grids.

Work performed

In general, the activities of the project are progressing in time. In the first 12 months of the project, a few, and not impacting, delays have occurred in some activities and deliverables. All the delays have been communicated to the FCH2-JU through letters or oral communications. All the delays are described in the “Periodic Technical Report - Part B”, in the Section 5 “Deviations from Annex 1”.
Work Package 1: Management and Coordination
The project management has been defined since the beginning of the project.
A Project Management Plan has been issued at M3 (March 2018). It describes the structure of REMOTE project, the partners responsibilities and the timescales for the project activities.
In October 2018, we have produced the Data Management Plan, that will be applied in the REMOTE project.
Finally, a First Amendment to the GA has been finalized on April 27th, 2018, and it took effect on January 1st, 2018.
During the first period of the project some implementation requests have been asked by some of the Partners: therefore, the opening of a Second Amendment is under evaluation.
Work Package 2: Use cases: definition of the technical and business cases of the 4 DEMOs
The activities of definition of the technical and business cases of the 4 DEMOs (developed in WP2) have been done.
The Task 2.1 (and related Deliverable D2.1) has described the analysis of the economic and regulatory framework of the technological demonstrators.
The Task 2.2 (and related Deliverable D2.2), following the analysis of the local technical-economic-regulatory context (described in Deliverable D2.1) had the aim of defining the technological specifications of each DEMO.
The Task 2.4 (described in Deliverable D2.5) had the aim to formulate the control strategies for each DEMO.
Work Package 3: DEMOs based on Power-to-Power integrated systems in the South EU environment
The activities of design, installation and operation of the DEMOs 1-2-3 based on Power-to-Power integrated systems in the South EU environment are in line with the schedule. The site design of the plants (including site layout, safety assessment, detailed engineering and drawings of the overall plant) is proceeding in time.
Work Package 4: DEMO based on not integrated Power-to-Gas + Gas-to-Power systems in the North EU environment
The activities of design, installation and operation of the DEMO 4 based on not integrated Power-to-Gas + Gas-to-Power systems in the North EU environment are in line with the schedule. The site design of the plants (including site layout, safety assessment, detailed engineering and drawings of the overall plant) is proceeding in time.
Work Package 5: Analysis
N/A: WP5 starts at M18 (June 2019)
Work Package 6: Exploitation and innovation potential for the future
N/A: WP6 starts at M30 (June 2020)
Work Package 7: Dissemination, Communication
The communication carried out in the first year, was focused on creating a ground knowledge of the project’s aims, using web and social media as a major vehicle of communication.
The communication strategy is strictly following the project’ developments and is coherent with its first steps in the dissemination plan.
Work Package 8: Ethics requirements
The ethics requirements have been fulfilled.

Final results

The main progresses beyond the state of the art achieved so far (M12) and in the near future, are here listed:
1. The analyses of the economic and regulatory framework for all the four demonstrators has been conducted, with a deep analysis of the authorization procedures in different locations and Countries in EU
2. The detailed technical specification of the four demonstrators has been developed, with the definition and refinement of optimized methodologies that can now be used in future applications of these P2P solutions
3. The first algorithm devoted to the control strategies of the DEMO plants have been developed, and can be used in future applications of these P2P solutions
4. The different technology platforms have been designed, and the building activity has started
5. The experience of preparation of the local field sites to host the P2P systems have been done, and have generate an high experience that can be replicated in future applications
The potential impacts of the projects are huge:
there are more than 10’000 inhabited islands around the world and an estimated 750 million islanders. Many of these islands, especially those in the range of 1’000 to 100’000 inhabitants each, rely on diesel generators for their electricity production and spend a considerable percentage of their GDP on the import of fuels. Furthermore, many more other isolated situations (mountains, remote areas) exist. Recent estimates suggest a current market potential for upgrading existing diesel-based, off-grid systems with RES in the range of 40-240 GW.
The socio-economic benefits consist of:
1) Energy independency
2) Energy security benefits
3) Energy efficiency
4) Localized air quality improvements
5) Green House Gas (GHG) reduction
6) Creating jobs: a reliable RES + storage cell industry will enable the creation of high skilled, high value jobs, thus decreasing the unemployment statistics.

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