Currently, the European Union and its allies face unprecedented threats to their security and financial interests. Due to the fact that non-intrusive inspection systems (NIIS) suffer up to 35% annual downtime, when maintained with present maintenance approaches, security...
Currently, the European Union and its allies face unprecedented threats to their security and financial interests. Due to the fact that non-intrusive inspection systems (NIIS) suffer up to 35% annual downtime, when maintained with present maintenance approaches, security organisations have to deal with incoming external dangers while unsure whether their NIIS will be available when necessary. This prevents security organisations from confidently relying on NIIS to secure society.
On the other hand, manufacturers and service providers utilising time-based planned repairs (Preventive Maintenance) and break-fix maintenance (Corrective Maintenance) are focused mainly on dealing with the inefficiencies caused by these maintenance approaches. They have not been able to dedicate resources to build the IT infrastructure necessary for the continuous collection of real-time NIIS performance data and accumulate the know-how needed to develop and implement a solution capable of predicting failures and resolving underlying problems.
At the start of 2017, Danlex started developing the Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems (PMT4NIIS) which addresses the issues highlighted above by providing a state-of-the-art maintenance solution to the NIIS industry, thereby contributing to cross-border strategies to protect the freedom and security of the European Union and its citizens.
During the feasibility study Danlex evaluated its capacity to develop PMT4NIIS and commercialise the products and services resulting from the innovation.
None of the overall objectives of PMT4NIIS have changed significantly as a result of the work. These objectives have been elaborated by taking into account the analyses and research carried out during the project. Additionally, specific objectives have been developed as a basis for the further development of PMT4NIIS, leading up to TRL9 and commercialisation. The concept and approach to PMT4NIIS have also been elaborated further without undergoing significant changes.
In terms of impact, Danlex has reviewed a large amount of literature, including market reports, public manufacturer information, and documentation of international organisations. The conclusion is that a large portion of the impact envisioned in our original Horizon 2020 phase 1 proposal can be achieved by working with a much smaller number of stakeholders and NIIS than originally expected.
PMT4NIIS has very high market potential and can add significantly to the portfolio of Danlex. With the products and service enabled by PMT4NIIS, Danlex should be able to enter new markets and find new ways of generating value for NIIS market stakeholders. Through the cooperation with the financial advisory team of Deloitte and other key service suppliers, Danlex has set the groundwork for the success of PMT4NIIS. Successful development and commercialization of PMT4NIIS should allow Danlex to move away from a project-based business model to a high value added revenue and cost structure.
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