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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FBD_BModel (A Knowledge-based business model for small series fashion products by integrating customized innovative services in big data environment (Fashion Big Data Business Model))


Context of the project:For a modern textile company, under the pressures of international competitions, making quick and reactive decisions on where and how to locate its production and how to organize a production and supply network have been increasingly important and...


Context of the project:
For a modern textile company, under the pressures of international competitions, making quick and reactive decisions on where and how to locate its production and how to organize a production and supply network have been increasingly important and critical for obtaining competitive advantages. It is necessary to perform a comprehensive rethink on the general strategy of textiles/clothing supply chains and related business models. Especially, the classical streamlined textile supply chain, usually badly coordinated, needs to be changed into a new structure centered on a coordination platform so that all involved professional partners and consumers can be tightly connected to each other and systematically coordinated. It will be more efficient to apply common digital services to this coordination platform, which can be shared by all the concerned people, rather than providing specific services to individual partners.

The overall objective of FBD_BModel is to create a digital technology platform for enabling small series innovative high value fashion and functional garments through a fully connected and data-driven local supply chain in the EU. The specific objectives include:
1) developing a technical framework that will provide the networking and interaction mechanism between user communities and product providers,
2) creating a Cloud Computational Interactive-Design System (CC_IDS) to facilitate effective interactive communications between consumers and professionals on product performances requirements, permitting to provide consumers personalized design solutions,
3) creating a Supply Chain and Production Management System (SCPMS) to enable fast responses and effective small series manufacturing,
4) developing innovative data-based services associated with the above two systems for consumers, retailors, marketers, designers, testing and certification companies, manufacturers, etc.,
5) building a novel B2B2C business model archetype with an instantiation/configuration method/tool, for creating adaptive individual business models with different industrial stratégies,
6) performing a series of extensive pilot operations and market replication actions with the proposed business model.

Work performed

In the first 18 months, the progress of the project generally respects the initial work planning defined in the Annex 1 (Parts A and B). For WP1, the issues on ethics and legal requirements about treatment of persona data have been studied, permitting to define a framework to be followed in implementing surveys and data collection in the Project. The concerned deliverable D1.1 has been submitted and further revised according to the comments of the officers of the Commission.
For WP2, the initial activities for the set-up and implementation of the management structures and procedures have been completed, as well as the progress and periodic reporting.
For WP3, all tasks have been successfully completed with no deviations, except Task 3.5. This one has been prolonged due to the monitoring report of December 2018.
For WP4, all tasks have been generally realized according to the initial plan. The overall CC_IDS architecture and functionalities have been designed. The IDS databases and consumer profile have been realized apart from virtual garments whose generation is strongly related to Deliverable D6.2 of WP6. The two subsystems, namely functional textile IDS and garment and fashion IDS have been partly realized (60% for functional IDS and 40% for fashion IDS) with related data services. These two subsystems have not been integrated but some ideas have been discussed.
For WP5, 1) a two part simplified product datasheet model has been proposed, 2) the supplier selection criteria have been identified, 3) the supplier selection model has been implemented, 4) a supply chain intelligence Wizard for understanding configurational aspects is under development.
For WP6, the results obtained in the first 18 months include: 1) creation of the IT infrastructure with AWS services, 2) design of the interface of the platform, 3) design of a visual simulator for bodies, fabrics, garments and fitting effects. The initial work planning is respected apart from D6.2 (3D virtual bodies, virtual products and fitting effects).
For WP7, Only the sub-task 7.1.2 was active during the first 18th months of project. This task, devoted to the implementation of the use/business cases, has been implemented with the main aim to test - on the field - the main innovative aspects proposed by the FBD_BModel technology platform.
For WP8, the initial activities for communication, dissemination and exploitation approach have been realized, and more attention has been paid to networking and clustering activities.

Final results

Progress beyond the state of the art:
FBD_BModel intends to contribute significantly to the achieving a step change in/revolutionising of:
1) The current design and manufacturing process by involving the customers, including coordination and organisation of local producers targeting fast, customer-driven, small series and personalised production.
2) The distribution and marketing methods practised in the fashion markets through analysing consumer profiles.
3) The current textile supply chain organization by performing decisive changes to a faster supply of innovative functional garments.
4) The current textile manufacturing system by creation of a flexible configuration for optimizing various small series of products (mass customization).
5) The current e-shopping platforms by developing recommendation of products or design solutions (virtual products) through interactions between users, and personalized virtual garment fitting.

Expected results:
1) A Cloud Computational Interactive-Design System (CC_IDS) with 6 data-based services
2) A Supply Chain and Production Management System (SCPMS) with 8 data-based services
3) A digital platform integrating CC_IDS and SCPMS with a multi-user friendly interface and normalized data communications between them
4) A new B2B2C business model archetype and toolbox with related industrial strategies on top/based on the developed digital platform and validated by the four preselected business cases (four operational supply chains from functional fabrics to garment e-shopping)

Potential impacts:
1) The FBD_BModel digital platform will facilitate knowledge-sharing and innovation across the entire textile supply chain.
2) Shortening supply chain, encouraging local production networks, thus enhancing EU productivity, also reducing the environmental footprint of the actual globalized textile productions.
3) Enhancing flexibility and interactivity of the platform in supporting design, production and e-selling.
4) Allowing textile companies to reach the market with a high-level customized tailored product, designed based on the consumers’ needs and specifications and create opportunities for employing highly-skilled people.
5) Facilitating the spreading of the new business model strongly based on the digitization, for manufacturing several small series of higher value-added personalised fashion products.
6) Strengthening the brand capacity, to make it visible through the presence in prestigious (virtual) showcases.

All these issues will enhance the competitiveness of textile companies in Europe.

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