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UNISECO project deliverables

The page lists 14 deliverables related to the research project "UNISECO".

 List of Deliverables

UNISECO: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

UNISECO agro-ecological knowledge hub

Deliverable D8.2 will launch the UNISECO agro-ecological knowledge hub to support Multi-Actor Platform exchanges.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-11

Story maps of the SES of the case studies

Deliverable D3.3 will synthesise the results of the assessment of the SES in the case studies in form of story maps describing each SES which will be added to the online tool in WP6.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Other 2020-03-11

Data Management and Quality Assurance Plan

The Data Management and Quality Assurance Plan will set out key principles and operational steps for the project to ensure data security and quality, IPR, whilst also fostering data exchange and cooperation.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Open Research Data Pilot 2020-03-11

Report on governance arrangements and social networks that increase the sustainability of AEFS

Deliverable D5.2 will report the results of the analysis of governance structures assessing the governance (sub)system of SES in each case study. Key networks in place in each case study and their potential role of co-managing the market and policy incentives will be identified.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Interim report on communication, dissemination & and impact of project activities

Interim report on communication, dissemination and impact of project activities will be produced for mid-term review.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Report on typology of ago-ecological farming systems and practices in the EU & the selection of case studies

The deliverable D2.2 will provide a typology of AEFS and practices in the EU and summarise case study design and selection across the partner countries.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Report on methodological specification of the spatially-explicit modelling framework

Report explaining methodological specification of the spatially-explicit modelling framework to integrate the environmental, social, economic benefits and impacts of status quo into the assessment.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Database on the performance of current AEFS as an input to the modelling in WP4

Deliverable D3.2 will deliver the database on the performance of current AEFS.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Other 2020-03-11

Inventory of market and policy incentives supporting AEFS

The inventory will be presented in a report summarising the selection criteria and the main characteristics of the market and policy incentives. The inventory (classification, comparison, connection, trade off, etc.) will inform the governance and policy analysis in the SES case studies.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Adapted SES framework for agro-ecological farming system and guidelines for assessing sustainability of agricultural systems in Europe

Deliverable D2.1 will explain the adapted SES framework for AEFS and operationalise the framework by providing guidance for the analytical WPs (WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP6) and their collection of information and assessment.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Guidelines for MAP members selection

Guidance report on the composition of the MAPs at EU level and in all case study regions.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

A guide to transdisciplinarity for partners

The deliverable will provide guidance for engagement with MAPs at EU and case study levels and advise on ways to design fora and activities that support co-construction and on approaches to engage with stakeholders and end-users to facilitate full participation and contribution to co-creation opportunities.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Report on the prototype of the spatially explicit interactive online tool and functions

Deliverable D6.1 will conceptualise and define the requirements and functions of the spatially explicit interactive online tool and methodological handbook.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11

Report on environmental, economic and social performance of current AEFS, and comparison to conventional baseline

Deliverable D3.1 will report the results of the performance assessment of the status quo and provide the data basis for the modelling of the “agro-ecological farming status quo” at territorial level in WP4.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): SFS-29-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-11