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AXIS project deliverables

The page lists 3 deliverables related to the research project "AXIS".

 List of Deliverables

AXIS: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

AXIS Communication and Dissemination Strategy

A well-defined dissemination and exploitation strategy will highlight and communicate the value of produced research and other relevant results with the view of creating and demonstrating impacts relevant to support policy-making for post-COP21 Climate Action. An important part of the strategy will focus on the intensive cross-project and programme outreach, making AXIS an open, dynamic and evolving platform for exchange and learning, connecting diverse initiatives and stakeholders, and a repository of expertise for interested users at various levels.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.5.1. - Topic(s): SC5-30-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-04


Creation and management of a dedicated AXIS-website, embedded in the current JPI Climate website, with the abstracts and regular updates on the funded projects under the corporate identity label of JPI Climate; and with up-to-date targeted information on other opportunities (including national opportunities that may be co-aligned, international and European programmes).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.5.1. - Topic(s): SC5-30-2017

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-04

Co-funded call documents and accompanying documents

Call Document: DLR will prepare a draft of the call text based on the preparatory work already undertaken by a JPI Climate Action Group (scoping process). This draft will be circulated among the CSC to reach consensus. Resulting comments will feed into a modified draft of the call. This process will be accompanied by telephone and video conferences as well as physical meetings if necessary to reach consensus among the funding agencies about the funding priorities from the thematic perspective. The Programme Coordinator (PC) with the support of the Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will moderate and facilitate the process of decision finding. Three thematic topics have already been identified at proposal stage (but can be subject to change). These three thematic topics are:
1. Cross-sectoral and cross-scale climate change impact assessments
2. Integration of bio-physical climate change impact estimates with economic models
3. Developing pathways to achieve the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement, taking into account interactions with SDGs closely linked to SDG 13 (“climate action”)
The topics will be revised by the project partners and discussed with the EC after the project start to ensure its timeliness.

Accompanying Documents: DLR together with the EB and the CSC will prepare the accompanying call documents, which are the guidelines for applicants (e.g. application procedure, evaluation criteria), National eligibility requirements, Outline and full proposal templates, Frequently Asked Questions, ‘Impact toolkit‘ with a number of research uptake tips.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.5.1. - Topic(s): SC5-30-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-03-04