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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SHERIF (reSearcH is sERIous Fun)


The Researchers’ Night events of the “SHERIF” project in 2018 took place in 6 different major Greek cities, spread almost nation-wide. The events and the awareness campaign that preceded them aimed mainly at increasing public awareness regarding the significance of...


The Researchers’ Night events of the “SHERIF” project in 2018 took place in 6 different major Greek cities, spread almost nation-wide. The events and the awareness campaign that preceded them aimed mainly at increasing public awareness regarding the significance of research on society, the attractiveness of the researcher\'s profession, especially among young audience and the EC research efforts and investments. Specifically for 2018, SHERIF also aimed at celebrating the European year of Cultural Heritage by introducing many innovative promotional activities that allowed people to understand, experience & enjoy cultural heritage while at the same time appreciate the research conducted in order to preserve it & pass it on to future generations;

An intensive awareness campaign was undertaken, including TV, radio spots and interviews of highly-profiled researchers at national level, spreading the messages throughout the country while; at local level, traditional communication ways of promotion were blend with innovative ones to provoke the curiosity of local communities.
The project addressed the public at large in all its components, with a strong focus on young people and kids.
In such a context, the benefits and interests of the researcher’s profession were described and illustrated thanks to the numerous researchers directly and actively involved in the activities in direct contact with the audience.
The broad range of activities offered included hands-on experiments, shows, simulations, presentations, interactive lectures, workshops, games, competitions, demos and guided visits.
The events were mainly located in central places of the cities, consequently offering the possibility of interaction between the public and the researchers.

Work performed

Work Package 1 - Awareness campaign

Overview of the results
o Conception, realisation of promotional material: posters in various formats, leaflets, programmes (various sizes), banners, give away (balloons);
o Advertising in public places (cafes, stores, malls, libraries) and public transport through posters or electronic displays;
o Articles, announcements and advertisements published in newspapers and magazines (e.g. Kathimerini newspaper);
o Press releases sent multiple times sent to all media, networks and collaborators;
o Production of radio spot and video spot for all cities of both consortia; The spots were sent in central TV Stations (e.g. ERT and Star TV), as well as in 15 radio stations;
o Announcement sent in all schools;
o Invitation and Announcement was sent to all secondary and high schools of Athens through the respective Secondary Education Directorates; Overall, 1.500 schools in all participating cities were invited through e-invitations;
o Invitation to the educators’ broader community through engaging the Central Directorate for School Counsellors;
o Visits to schools; speeches to students about various research topics and the RN events;
o Sending of electronic invitations to over 15.000 recipients;
o Organisation of pre-events mainly celebrating the European Year of Cultural Heritage
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website: (detailed info, objectives, programme, FAQs, etc.); In a period of 45 days (1 Sep 18 – 15 Oct 18), 11.718 users visited the website (12.089 during the same period in 2017) with more than 53.674 views (48.945 in 2017) and an average session duration of 00:02:11 (00:01:58 in 2017);
o National social media accounts were maintained and updated centrally while each partner maintained its local social media accounts to promote their activities and maximize impact;
o About 2.000.000 people made aware of the Researchers\' Night and its objectives.

Work Package 2 - Activities during the Night

Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras. Heraklion, Larissa and Rethymno.

o Athens: National Technical University of Athens, Patission Historic Complex, Averof Building;
o Thessaloniki: Thessaloniki Concert Hall (TCH);
o Patras: pedestrian of Riga Ferraiou street, Patras’ busiest pedestrian street in the city centre, building of the Chamber of Achaia (located on the pedestrian of Riga Ferraiou);
o Heraklion: premises of FORTH;
o Larissa: “Milos Papa” complex;
o Rethymno: Centre for Plasma Physics and Lasers (CPPL)s

Overview of the results
Offer of the activities globally as planned and described in the Grant Agreement Annex I Part B, namely:
o Dozens of hands-on experiments;
o Cutting edge exhibitions;
o Interactive Games and guided lab tours;
o Speeches of prominent researchers;

Over 900 researchers from all career stages actively involved in the activities, of whom:
o 19 having benefitted from a Marie Curie scheme;
o 128 having benefitted from other EU support, under FP7 and/or HORIZON 2020;

Over 13.000 visitors having taken part in the various activities offered, distributed as follows:
• Thessaloniki: 4.000;
• Athens: 5.000;
• Patras: 1.000;
• Heraklion: 2.500;
• Larissa: 300;
• Rethymno: 500

One European corner per event was placed in a frequented area of the venue. Gadgets, treasure hunts and catchy videos were used in order to attract participants. Also each European corner featured an EU roll-up banner whose design was sent by the Commission and was printed by each partner.

The project created two videos showing activities during the Night:
• A 5-minute video that includes some of the highlights from all the events. (
• A 4-minute video exclusively for the activities carried out in Thessaloniki (

Work Package 3 - Impact Assessment

Tasks undertaken
An electronic survey was conducted asking from the

Final results

Overview of the results
o Collection, analysis and processing of 869 feedbacks through filled in e-questionnaires;
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: about 67% female, 33% male, aged 40-54 for 55,7% responders, 80% of responders having a university degree and 57% newcomers;
o Knowledge of the event: Social media (46,46%), articles on internet (14,14%), University (i.e. through university sources) (11,11%), E-mail (10,10%);
o Overall positive feedback regarding the event itself (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, scheduling, venues and locations, entertainment, volunteers);
o Most successful activities: interactive experiments and robots;
o Less successful activities: speeches;
o Impact on public image of researchers and their work: Increased awareness about the societal impact of the researchers\' work, in particular towards citizens\' daily lives;
o Increased awareness about the importance of research activities for the progress of society;
o Impact on interest for scientific careers, in particular amongst young people: Increased interest for science and science careers expressed by visitors in particular young people, after having taken part in the Night\'s activities.
o 77,27% of the participants were aware that the EC was the main funding body of the Nights;
Possible improvements: a longer lasting event, starting early in the afternoon and lasting until late at night.

Website & more info

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