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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - G-IMAGER (New Graphene Imager based on Graphene-on-wafer)


The main objective of the G-Imager project is to develop a cheaper and better performing camera for night-vision applications (automotive, improved safety), food industry, waste sorting, etc.The idea is to combine graphene, a newly discovered nanomaterial, with photosensitive...


The main objective of the G-Imager project is to develop a cheaper and better performing camera for night-vision applications (automotive, improved safety), food industry, waste sorting, etc.

The idea is to combine graphene, a newly discovered nanomaterial, with photosensitive materials and integrate them with existing electronic platforms (CMOS technology) in order to build the core of the cameras.

Work performed

Graphenea, Emberion and AMO have been working together in order to accomplish the objectives set in the G-imager project and bring closer to the market a Graphene Imager product. Emberion\'s device wafers (based on CMOS technology) are shipped first to Graphenea for graphene deposition, then to AMO for graphene device fabrication, before being returned to Emberion for depositing the photosensitive material and building the camera core.

Final results

Currently there are no graphene based imager products in the market and current products are based on InGaAs which is extremely expensive, requires cooling and performance is not broadband, making the cameras quite bulky. The low-cost manufacturing model that is proposed in the G-Imager project will allow to disrupt the incumbent IR photodetector technology market based upon InGaAs, which will enable broader use and application for the technology that will improve for instance, road safety, security and waste recycling processes.

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