This innovative, disruptive and safe proposal has found a solution to address the most serious threats to human existence. Climate change and poor air quality are caused by burning fossil fuels and the need to replace these with clean and renewable energy is paramount. The...
This innovative, disruptive and safe proposal has found a solution to address the most serious threats to human existence. Climate change and poor air quality are caused by burning fossil fuels and the need to replace these with clean and renewable energy is paramount. The majority of renewable energy is produced in the wrong place and at the wrong time so GGLS has focussed on developing a logistic system based on lightweight composite tanks to provide a means to collect and store renewable energy, following its sustainable conversion into gaseous or liquid forms of gas such as biomethane, hydrogen and nitrogen, and then to efficiently transport this energy to where and when it is needed to replace hydrocarbon based fossil fuels. Their size and shape renders conventional steel tankers costly and inefficient due to geographical and regulatory constraints. GGLS solution will produce a saleable product to create new SMEs and jobs for less skilled people to augment the increasing use of renewable fuels.
The feasibility study defined: the MPV to be first marketed; a sound product development plan; the scaled-up production; the commercial evaluation and external testing; the risk assessment and contingency plan; the credible market size; a realistic ‘go to market’ strategy; the business model and also a sound IP management strategy. The study found there is a lucrative market to be exploited by van & HGV users in addition to the rail & marine sectors where GGLS’s solution was shown to save companies up to 89% of capital and operating costs. GGLS disseminated their solution, with very favourable results, to an extensive user audience including road hauliers, rail freight operators, distribution companies, supermarkets, OEM vehicle manufacturers, energy utility companies.
Presently gas distribution is exclusive to International plc (eg Shell and BOC). Our survey found wide ranging acceptance of the benefits of a continuous supply of gas based on exchangeable tank systems. GGLS learnt that the profitability can be increased by changing the guide design of the lightweight tanks so they can use a standard Shipping Line container. Finally this feasibility study has proved the likelihood of GGLS’s solution establishing not only a very profitable business, but also initially a minimum of 35 additional low skilled jobs locally with a possibility of future training, and an estimate of a minimum of at least 1,000 jobs for our global licensees.
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