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H2020 projects about "attend"

The page lists 46 projects related to the topic "attend".

# achronym  title  year 
1 INNOKAM Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein 2014
2 DEVOLEMPA The developmental and evolutionary basis of human intersubjectivity 2015
3 ScanZ Point of care medical device enabling patient self-assessment for acne diagnosis support. 2015
4 INNOKAM 2015-16 Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein 2015
5 BlendIn oneTap e-paper business card wearable gadget to create a real meeting LinkedIN equivalent 2015
6 DigitalDoctors Making Clinical Sense: A comparative study of how doctors learn in digital times 2016
7 VIRCOLLAB Virtual Proximity and Collaboration 2016
8 PEARLE Peers in ECEC centres: who are they and do they matter? An empirical analysis on ECEC group composition, its drivers and its effects 2016
9 STEPN-UP Stilbene and entomopathogenic nematodes: Unlocking the potential 2017
10 IFLFSCTM Intelligent Freshtag Labels for Supply Chain Temperature Monitoring 2016
11 HawkEye Vision-based Guidance and Control in Birds, with Applications to Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft 2016
13 CAPRI Children and Adolescents with PaRental mental Illness: Understanding the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of targeting interventions 2016
14 RapidDiag Development of a compatible nanoparticle based rapid and sensitive diagnostic platform for microbial infections 2017
15 Global India Explaining Global India: a multi-sectoral PhD training programme analysing the emergence of India as a global actor 2017
16 ATFM Articulating the free market: A cultural history of the economic transformation in Central Europe, 1989-1999 2018
17 T4C PhD Technology Driven Sciences: Technologies for Cultural Heritage 2018
18 Daphne Circuits of Visual Attention 2017
19 VILT-DEV Virtual Instructor-Led IT Developer Training Program 2018
20 CLAUSTRUM The Claustrum: A Circuit Hub for Attention 2018
21 CorticalSpaceShift How altered sensory experience changes the cortex: plasticity processes in the visual cortex and their relation to ecological real-life events under shifted perception condition 2018
22 JOLT Harnessing Data and Technology for Journalism 2018
23 SPACE-UP Assisting European SPACE Start-ups in scaling UP 2018
24 GetReal Initiative The GetReal Initiative 2018
26 BRIGHT Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in Research 2018
27 STORIES European Researcher's Night in France 2018
28 NHM Night 7 NHM Researchers Night 2018
29 PhilHumans Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-Machine Natural Interactions 2019
31 INFOSAMPLE Information Sampling in Multiattribute Choice 2018
32 SOLARNET Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics 2019
33 ExACT European network staff eXchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems 2019
34 MF 2019 MANUFUTURE 2019 - Sustainable Smart Manufacturing 2019
35 EyeGestLearn Applying eye-tracking to investigate information uptake from co-speech gestures in online learning environments 2019
36 MACCO Bring social robots into reality with the first real world leading bartender (MACCO) 2019
37 TRACTION Opera co-creation for a social transformation 2020
38 PLUTO One-of-a-kind therapy for crossed eyes. Helping families to reduce emotional and financial burden of eye therapy. 2019
39 MediaMotorEurope Media Motor Europe 2020
40 CSI-COP Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance 2020
41 SPRING Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare 2020
42 HyResponder European Hydrogen Train the Trainer Programme for Responders 2020
43 ONACSA Oscillatory neural and autonomic correlates of social attunedness during early life: new mechanistic insights into how we learn to learn from one another 2020
44 KnowStudents From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620) 2020
45 SLANG How the brain learns to see language 2020
46 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020