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H2020 projects about "compliancy"

The page lists 8 projects related to the topic "compliancy".

# achronym  title  year 
1 UNCAP Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People 2015
2 COSMICC CmOs Solutions for Mid-board Integrated transceivers with breakthrough Connectivity at ultra-low Cost 2015
3 ASTROCIT Development and validation of an innovative nutritional solution to fight muscle atrophy during human space flights, application of the acquired knowledge to prevent muscle degeneration down on earth 2016
4 UPGRADE High efficient Particulate free Gasoline Engines 2016
5 EnAcTiVa Environmental Accountability through real-Time analysis of the Value chain 2017
6 B4TDM Making Contracts Digital with Civilised Blockchain 2019
7 ANDROMEDA An EnhaNceD Common InfoRmatiOn Sharing EnvironMent for BordEr CommanD, Control and CoordinAtion Systems 2019
8 SINERGIA advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse 2019