The page lists 29 projects related to the topic "multipliers".
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1 | FRESH-DEMO | Waste reduction and quality improvement of fruits and vegetables via an innovative and energy-efficient humidification/disinfection technology | 2015 |
2 | MY-WAY | Strengthening the web entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe for young people by creating a pan-European network of actively engaged student networks and student entrepreneurship centres | 2015 |
3 | ACE Creative | ACE Creative: Harnessing the strengths of innovation multipliers to accelerate creative industry growth through an integrated ecosystem of supports in finance, market access and technology exploitation. | 2015 |
4 | KConnect | Khresmoi Multilingual Medical Text Analysis, Search and Machine Translation Connected in a Thriving Data-Value Chain | 2015 |
5 | ADEMU | A Dynamic Economic and Monetary Union | 2015 |
6 | TOPTEN ACT | Enabling consumer action towards top energy-efficient products | 2015 |
7 | FAnFArE | Fourier Analysis For/And Partial Differential Equations | 2015 |
8 | ABC DJ | Artist-to-Business-to-Business-to-Consumer Audio Branding System | 2016 |
9 | SoftPro | Synergy-based Open-source Foundations and Technologies for Prosthetics and RehabilitatiOn | 2016 |
10 | DOMINO | DOMINO - Connecting Europe, Saving Energy | 2016 |
11 | ARIADNE | ARgon ImAging DetectioN chambEr | 2016 |
12 | AFFMA | Approximation of Functions and Fourier Multipliers and their applications | 2016 |
13 | INNEQUAL | Interactions between von Neumann algebras and quantum algebras | 2016 |
14 | Homebiogas | The Domestic Biogas System - Turning Waste into Value | 2016 |
15 | KAROS | KAROS – Integration of a dynamic and predictive short distance carpooling offer into route planner services | 2017 |
16 | BogomolovMultiplier | Bogomolov Multiplier | 2017 |
17 | AEGIS | Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity and Privacy | 2017 |
18 | MIREU | Mining and Metallurgy Regions of EU | 2017 |
19 | KeepWarm | Improving the performance of district heating systems in Central and East Europe | 2018 |
20 | INITIUM | an Innovative Negative Ion TIme projection chamber for Underground dark Matter searches | 2019 |
21 | HARHCS | Harmonic Analysis on Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Space | 2019 |
22 | SeeRRI | Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation | 2019 |
23 | HACKS | Heating And Cooling Know-how and Solutions | 2019 |
24 | LABEL 2020 | New Label driving supply and demand of energy efficient products | 2019 |
25 | ArtMoMa | Artificial Molecular Machines | 2020 |
26 | CARLA | The European Photonics CAReer LAunch Path | 2020 |
27 | Smart4Europe2 | Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe | 2020 |
28 | Co-Change | Co-Create Change in Research Funding and Performing | 2020 |
29 | 4 | 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS | 2020 |