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H2020 projects about "resiliency"

The page lists 18 projects related to the topic "resiliency".

# achronym  title  year 
1 PHYSFISH The Role of Physiology in the Causes and Consequences of Fisheries-Induced Evolution 2015
2 GCP-GEOTARCTIC Geochemical-physical coupled study of the modern Arctic Ocean: GEOTRACES-ARCTIC 2015
3 ComPat Computing Patterns for High Performance Multiscale Computing 2015
4 ESCAPE Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather Prediction at Exascale 2015
5 DataNimbus Feasibility study of a new tool for managing, processing, sharing and transferring huge amounts of scientific data (DataNimbus) 2015
6 SUCCESS Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures SUCCESS - Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures 2016
7 GEMH Video games for the prevention of depression and anxiety: A 21st century approach to emotional and mental health in adolescents 2016
8 ACTIonRCraft Anti-Crash lightweight fuel bladder Tank Integrated on a new RotorCraft 2016
9 PARTNER Probabilistic Assessment of Reduction and Transfer of Natural Earthquake Risk 2017
10 SaT5G Satellite and Terrestrial Network for 5G 2017
11 CATALYST Converting DCs in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems (CATALYST) 2017
12 HORNEAST Horn and Crescent. Connections, Mobility and Exchange between the Horn of Africa and the Middle East in the Middle Ages 2017
13 ELEVATE Eco-physiological tradeoffs with crop domestication: have farming ants cracked the code? 2018
14 EARTH@LTERNATIVES Sustainability, efficiency, equity and resilience of land and water use for global food and energy security: synergies and fundamental trade-offs 2019
15 CLEAN Carbon fracturing and storage in shale with wellbore infrastructure monitoring 2019
16 AMPERE A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation 2020
17 InfoNet Informational properties of networks under communication constraints 2020
18 BONEZ Baltic Paganism, Osteology, and New Examinations of Zooarchaeological Evidence 2021