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H2020 projects about "telescopes"

The page lists 67 projects related to the topic "telescopes".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ASTROROT Unraveling interstellar chemistry with broadband microwave spectroscopy and next-generation telescope arrays 2015
2 COEVOLUTION Black holes and their host galaxies: coevolution across cosmic time 2015
3 FirstDawn Imaging the cosmic dawn and the first galaxies with 21cm and atomic line intensity mapping 2015
4 NEUCOS Neutrinos and the origin of the cosmic rays 2015
5 GREST Getting Ready for EST 2015
6 Cosmo Plasmas Cosmological simulations of radio bright plasmas 2015
7 ABDES An astrochemical study of the early evolutionary stages of sub-stellar mass objects 2015
8 Light-Trap A SiPM upgrade for VHE Astronomy and beyond 2015
9 NewPhysicsInSpace Indirect Probes of New Physical Phenomena in Space 2015
10 BinCosmos The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times 2015
11 ASTERICS Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster 2015
12 CTA-DEV Cherenkov Telescope Array: Infrastructure Development and Start of Implementation 2015
13 INQMINDS The Evolutionary and Developmental Origins of Inquiring Minds: Studies of Causal Reasoning; Curiosity and Executive Control 2015
14 IN-SKA Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 2016
15 ORISON Innovative infrastructure for astronomical research based on stratospheric balloons 2016
16 FALCONER Forging Advanced Liquid-Crystal Coronagraphs Optimized for Novel Exoplanet Research 2016
17 EXO-ATMOS Exploring the Plurality of New Worlds: Their Origins, Climate and Habitability 2016
18 eGALISM Characterizing properties of the interstellar medium to better understand how stars form in galaxies 2017
19 GSAORI Guide Stars Adaptive Optics for Retinal Imaging 2016
20 DIGDEEP Disclosing the Inner Gaseous Discs of Early Evolved Protostars 2016
21 MeerTRAP Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity 2016
22 3SST2015 Third funding line in 2015 for the establishment of a European SST service provision function 2016
23 KERNEL Ultimate Angular Resolution Astrophysics with kernel-phase and full-aperture interferometry 2016
24 SOLVe Connecting SOLar and stellar Variabilities 2017
25 RadioNet Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe 2017
26 PRE-EST Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope 2017
27 KM3NeT - INFRADEV Astroparticle and Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA and ORCA) 2017
28 MAGCOW The Magnetised Cosmic Web 2017
29 DMsky Shining through the Galaxy: dark matter signals versus astrophysical backgrounds 2016
30 DELPHI DELPHI: a framework to study Dark Matter and the emergence of galaxies in the epoch of reionization 2017
31 GIANTCLIMES Giants through Time: Towards a Comprehensive Giant Planet Climatology 2017
32 PULSATES PULsar Science Across The Electromagnetic Spectrum 2017
33 DIGESTIVO The DIffuse Galaxy Expansion SignaTures In Various Observables project: understanding the emergence of diffuse, low surface brightness galaxies and the link to their dark matter haloes 2018
34 POLMAG Polarized Radiation Diagnostics for Exploring the Magnetism of the Outer Solar Atmosphere 2018
35 NEWS NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration 2017
36 CAstRA Comet and Asteroid Re-Shaping through Activity 2018
37 FEEDGALAXIES A new vantage point on how gas flows regulate the build-up of galaxies in the early universe 2018
38 UFOS Unveiling Planet Formation by Observations and Simulations 2018
39 GreatMoves General Relativistic Moving-Mesh Simulations of Neutron-Star Mergers 2018
40 ESBO DS European Stratospheric Balloon Observatory Design Study 2018
41 PI2FA Partial Ionisation: Two-Fluid Approach 2018
42 Hot-TEA Hot Terrestrial Exo-planet Atmospheres: preparing new generation instrument observations with a global climate model 2018
43 FirstGalaxies Finding the most distant galaxies with NIRSpec guaranteed time on the James Webb Space Telescope 2020
44 HIDDeN HIDDeN - Exploring the Hidden Dusty Nuclei of Galaxies 2018
45 DAMIC-M Unveiling the Hidden: A Search for Light Dark Matter with CCDs 2018
46 DUSTBUSTERS Dust and gas in planet forming discs 2019
47 ClusterWeb Unravelling the physics of particle acceleration and feedback in galaxy clusters and the cosmic web 2019
48 exoZoo High definition and time-resolved studies of exoplanet atmospheres: a new window on the extreme diversity of the exoplanet zoo 2019
50 PULSAR Prototype for an Ultra Large Structure Assembly Robot 2019
51 EPIC Earth-like Planet Imaging with Cognitive computing 2019
52 MHDiscs From non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to the structure and evolution of protoplanetary discs 2019
53 ESCAPE Exploring Shortcuts for the Characterization of the Atmospheres of Planets similar to Earth 2019
54 MOPPEX MOlecules as Probes of the Physics of EXternal galaxies 2020
55 MUSICA Origin of Magnetic strUctureS in the ISM obscuring the Cosmic DAwn 2020
56 LIFEMODE Possible Life: The Philosophical Significance of Extending Biology 2019
57 SolarIC A New Monitor for Cosmic Rays in the Solar System: Inverse-Compton Emission from Cosmic-Ray Electrons Scattering with Sunlight 2019
58 GammaRayCascades Probing the origin of intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays with gamma-ray cascades 2019
59 COLLEXISM Collisional excitation of interstellar molecules: towards reactive systems 2019
60 SCORE Signal Correction to Reveal other Earths 2020
61 NEOROCKS The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations 2020
62 Rising STARS RISE International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-time Systems 2020
63 Hot Milk Flows of hot plasma connecting the Milky Way centre to the corona, halo and beyond 2020
64 SILENT Seismic Isolation of Einstein Telescope 2020
65 AEONS Advancing the Equation of state of Neutron Stars 2020
66 CHLARE CHromospheric magnetic fields in fLAREs and their evolution 2021
67 GALSIZE Galaxy Sizes as Tracers of Dark Matter 2020