The page lists 14 deliverables related to the research project "EUCLID".
title and desprition | type | last update |
List of indicators for economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, costumers’ preferences and policy needsDescription: A document on selected indicators will be prepared with different information on utilised sources. This will be the basis for better focusing the analysis of the economic, social and environmental impacts of IPM methodologies Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Analyses of pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables 1Description: Reports of the pesticide residues analysis will be published on year 3 and 4 and compared together for a better acceptance of the solutions by end-users including farmers and civil society. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Guidelines on use of compost for controlling plant diseasesDescription: guidelines detailing the use of compost to suppress soil-borne diseases, with focus on quality control, suppressive compost available on the market and composting at farm level, efficacy of microbial fortified compost for controlling plant diseases, compost amendments to be used in nurseries as partial substitutes for peat and other substrates with consequent advantages in terms of cost, production and environmental impact Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Economic rearing methods of P. xylostellaDescription: Development of economic mass-production methods for further development of the SIT management method targeting P. xylostella. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Benefits of IPM to end-usersDescription: A document providing scientific relevant information on environmental, social, and economic impacts of pest management and IPM methods will be produced, also addressing consumers and policy-makers. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
BCAs optimised use for pest containment on leafy vegetables, tomatoes and vineyardsDescription: Guidelines on the optimised use of BCAs (and combination thereof) to guarantee a successful bio-control of pests on various cultures Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Field demonstration yearly report - year 2Description: Every year, a field demonstration report describing the evolution of the trials and the demonstration/field days organised by the partners in Europe and China will be published on the website and disseminated to a large audience (i.e. newsletter / mailing list) Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Elaboration of IPM packagesDescription: Different IPM methodologies analysed in task 3.2 will be carefully grouped in IPM packages in order to proceed with the testing in the farms. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Feasibility study on SIT-based approaches for management of key pestsDescription: Report on the feasibility of SIT-like approaches for control of key pests of tomato, grape and leafy vegetables (e.g. Tuta absoluta, Lobesia botrana and Delia radicum), notably potential for laboratory mass rearing, knowledge required on field biology, compatibility of current/future IPM methods and economic justifiability. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Field demonstration yearly report- year 1Description: Every year, a field demonstration report describing the evolution of the trials and the demonstration/field days organised by the partners in Europe and China will be published on the website and disseminated to a large audience (i.e. newsletter / mailing list) Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
A method and list of secondary plants for use as temporary infrastructures in vegetable cropping systemsDescription: Banker plant systems, based on secondary plants’ functional characteristics, providing increased biocontrol services, and more overall increased pest management, in tomato, leafy vegetables and grapes Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Update of IPM packagesDescription: Different IPM methodologies analysed in task 3.2 will be carefully grouped in IPM packages in order to proceed with the testing in the farms. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Documents, reports | 2020-02-17 |
Public project websiteDescription: To design, set-up and maintain the EUCLID website, which will be structured to show: an overview of the project, its objectives, and the results obtained throughout the work. Relevant information on IPM in general and useful links will be provided. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Other | 2020-02-17 |
Project flyerDescription: A flyer will be edited targeting different end-users, with different approach, content and objectives. The means will not only advertise the project, but will present the domain of IPM at large. Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): SFS-03b-2014 |
Other | 2020-02-17 |