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BASE-LiNE Earth project deliverables

The page lists 11 deliverables related to the research project "BASE-LiNE Earth".

 List of Deliverables

BASE-LiNE Earth: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

4th Workshop “BASE-LiNE Earth” – Synthesis and Perspectives; TM 7&8

This workshop will emphasize integrating the results from all disciplines and identifying major scientific advances made in “BASE-LiNE Earth”. This cross-disciplinary exercise will be conducted by oral and poster presentation sessions, working groups and a global synthesis initiative. ESRs will have the opportunity to place their results in a wider scientific and societal context, interacting with leaders from industry, media and politics. Training modules offered subsequent to this workshop will further prepare ESRs for a life after their PhD. The meeting will be held at LMU, Munich, DK (organized by E. Grieshaber), and will benefit from conference rooms of various sizes which are equipped with all necessary technical facilities.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Other 2019-10-16

Touring exhibition

A touring exhibition on “BASE-LiNE Earth”, which will be coordinated by SM in cooperation with all consortium members as part of an outreach programme for children and interested adults.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-10-16

Teaching unit online

Public website to provide comprehensive platform presenting “BASE-LiNE Earth” contents, including three teaching units free to download for high schools indicating basic science knowledge with audience appropriate graphics (e.g. geochemical cycles, introduction to isotope geochemistry and techniques, oil and gas reservoir formation)

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-10-16

2nd Workshop ”From the Phanerozoic Base Line to New Frontiers in Earth’s History”; TM 3&4

A special emphasis of this workshop will be on carbonate diagenesis and the extraction of original infor-mation. This meeting will also give ESRs a synthesis of the methodological aspects that will be common to their research such as modern mineralogical methods using secondary electron microscopy, XRD and XRFA. Besides the analytical training, statistical methods for data reduction and proxy calibration will be taught. The keynote lecture on “Reconstruction of past trace element and isotope cycling, Diagenesis and the Extracting of Significant Proxy Information” will be given by Prof. Adrian Immenhauser, an expert in the field of carbonate mineralogy and diagenesis from the University of Bochum, Germany. The interdisciplinary integration of individual projects, with intensive working groups, will be a focus of the workshop. Subsequent to the meeting, complementary courses will be offered in gender and communication issues. Involvement of the non-academic partners will follow the guidelines as outlined in section “Role of the non-academic in the training programme” and in the annex. The meeting will be held at CULS, Prague, CZ (organized by J. Farkaš), and will benefit from conference rooms of various sizes which are equipped with all necessary technical facilities.
Special session on “BASE-LiNE Earth – new insights into ocean water history from novel proxies and techniques” at the 2018 European Geophysical Union Meeting (EGU):
An open scientific session for the “BASE-LiNE Earth” at the annual EGU meeting will be organized by the coordinator and the WP-leaders. All ESRs will be encouraged to present a scientific talk, for which there will be advance preparation in scientific presentation techniques. The session will be attended by network scientists as well as the global scientific community in this field. The purpose will be twofold, (i) provide individual ESRs exposure and recognition among their scientific peers and (ii) presenting of “BASE-LiNE Earth” to an expert audience for synthesis and exploitation of the ESRs results.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Other 2019-10-16

Consortium Agreement

Formal agreement of all partners on network arrangements and activities.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Other 2019-10-16

“BASE-LiNE Earth” website is online

\"\"\"BASE-LiNE Earth” website is online\"

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-10-16

Outreach documentary: Memories of a shell – what a fossil can tell

A documentary on “Memories of a shell – what fossils can tell” telling earth’s history via past biochem-ical cycles. The documentary will available for all “BASE-LiNE Earth” members and hosted by network partner (e.g. SM) and also by museums affiliated with partner organisations (LMU with the Paleonto-logical Museum in Munich, CULS and CGS with Národní Muzeum Prague)

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Documents, reports 2019-10-16


..if applicable

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Documents, reports 2019-10-16

1st Workshop “BASE-LiNE Earth” getting started: “What do we know about the ocean water history?”; TM 1&2

The first task of this kick-off meeting is to set the scientific stage for “BASE-LiNE Earth” through introductory lectures on all its WP goals. ESRs, supervisors and all scientists involved in “BASE-LiNE Earth” will participate in a comprehensive discussion on modeling and prediction of modern and future ocean and climate conditions, and the role of past climate conditions and carbonates diagenesis for hydrocarbon exploration. Participants will gain knowledge on box modeling and quantitative approaches to data handling. This activity involving world experts in the field ensures comparison of emerging and established data. A keynote lecture on “The Present Knowledge of Phanerozoic Seawater Evolution” will be given by invited scientist Prof. Adina Paytan from the University Santa Cruz, CA, USA. Mrs. Paytan is an expert in the field of trace metal cycling, and is involved in various policy-making bodies. In addition to workshops and oral presentations, there will be presentations and demonstrations of trace metal and isotope measurements at the GEOMAR mass-spectrometer facilities.
Involvement of the non-academic partners in the 1st workshop will follow the guidelines as outlined in section “Role of the non-academic in the training programme” and in the annex. Complementary courses concerning “Getting started with the PhD: Setting Compass” as well as a course in “Good Scientific Practice: Norms and values” will be held for all ESRs. The meeting will be held at the GEOMAR (organized by A. Eisenhauer), and will benefit from conference rooms of various sizes which are equipped with all necessary technical facilities.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Other 2019-10-16

Advertisement of ETN job offer

The entire recruitment process will follow the principles as outlined in the “Code of Conduct for the re-cruitment of researchers”. The whole procedure will be controlled by the SC and the RT-leaders, in order to guarantee an efficient, transparent and comparable procedure across the consortium partners. Equal opportunity policy regarding gender, disability and ethnic or social origin will be applied. In order to follow the approach to strengthen the role of women in science the application of females for an ESR position will be encouraged.
In responsibility of the coordinator and the SC within the first project months the network will publish the “BASE-LiNE Earth” concept and objectives in joint advertisements and announcements in the world-wide web and in print media. The media selected will focus on disciplinary target groups. Thus, in addition to “BASE-LiNE Earth”’s own website, targeted websites include those of the beneficiaries and partners, existing networks and job advertisement platforms (e.g., EURAXESS,, The position announcement will indicate (i) the BASE-LiNE Earth in general and job contribution to the general objective, (ii) the training units such as workshops, (iii) the available secondments, (iv) the Horizon 2020 rules for being accepted as an ESR.
The network envisages recruitment of the fellows within the first five to nine months! Ideally all ESRs will start simultaneously for scientific reasons, even more important for the formation of a joint ESR network team. Announcements in print media will include one article in an appropriate scientific journal (e.g. Ele-ments, Science and Nature). To further increase the visibility of the network, “BASE-LiNE Earth” will be presented at the EGU summer meetings, AGU fall meetings and probably the annual Goldschmidt confer-ences. The network will promote the fellowships also at cooperating institutions of the partners within Europe (e.g. BONUS network) and world-wide (e.g. collaborating institutions of the TRION-Project, the Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou/ China, and others). If this proves to be insufficient or the start of the training programme is likely to be delayed, in month 5 the SC will identify lack of progress and initiate more vigorous recruitment activities such as direct mailing and presentations at the institutions (headhunting) and forthcoming international conferences. As soon as a considerable number of applications has been collected (Month 1-9) the SC and the RT-leaders will choose suitable candidates for each ESR position with special emphasis on female applicants. The final decision is then up to SC in agreement with the RT-leaders and ESR supervisors and co-supervisors of the individual ESR.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Other 2019-10-16

3rd Workshop “Turning back the past – New views from Proxies for early earth history and evolution of life on Earth”; TM 5&6

In the final year, the annual network activity will emphasize integrating the results from all disciplines and identifying major scientific advances made in the network. This cross-disciplinary exercise will be conducted by oral and poster presentations, working groups and a network wide synthesis initiative. Dedicated full-day training will focus on transferable and professional skills needed by future research leaders in issues related to science, policy, industry and the media, which will include the non-academic partners and invited experts. Prof. Jess Adkins (or expert with similar expertise) from the CALTECH, a renowned expert in geochemistry and marine geology, will be approached to provide an insight to future developments and new research fields in biogeochemistry, and thus give a global perspective on the novel results achieved by “BASE-LiNE Earth”. Involvement of the non-academic partners in the 3rd workshop will follow the guidelines as outlined in section “Role of the non-academic in the training programme” and in the annex. The meeting will be held at UCPH, Prague, DK (organized by R. Frei), and will benefit from conference rooms of various sizes which are equipped with all necessary technical facilities.

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Topic(s): MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN

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Other 2019-10-16