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MyCyFAPP project deliverables

The page lists 22 deliverables related to the research project "MyCyFAPP".

 List of Deliverables

MyCyFAPP: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Document on MyCyFAPP poster and leaflet

Paper documentation such as posters, leaflets, and additional printed resources used in conferences and other events will be compiled.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

2nd mid-term dissemination report

A second report on performance and KPI analysis will be sent to the EC to evaluate the impact of the dissemination strategy.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Training material

Several videos and information material will be designed to help professionals and partners involved in the project to guide patients on the use of the APP. In order to teach health-carers and patients how to use the APP and how to get involved in the project, some audiovisual materials such as videos, posters and leaflets will be designed and digitally send to the EC.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Clipping and press release

Along the project there will be sent at least two press releases: one at the beginning and the second one by the end. However, as there are many areas of the project that can be promoted as are of public interest, other press releases will be send when required. By the end of the project the press releases, the clipping and the impact evaluation will be sent.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Final Dissemination report

MyCyFAPP directly benefits end users and health care service providers involved in the treatment of the Cystic Fibrosis. The Dissemination plan aims at all the stakeholders related with the project. A report detailing the consecution and achievement of all the dissemination goals will be presented on month 48.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28


A compilation of videos of the interviews which give a global vision of the project will be sent to the EC. The main aim of the video is to show how EC policies help to create qualified jobs and to bring closer research to general public

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Register follow-up on conferences and meetings

All partners have an active role in the dissemination plan as from different fields they disseminate their jobs. At the end of the project, a report on the conferences and meetings attended will be presented.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

WP Planning and Contingency Reports

In the first trimester an acknowledge report regarding work package planning and contingency plan will be reported

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

1st Mid-Term Dissemination plan of MyCyFAPP

An evaluation of the results and the action to detect strength and weaknesses and to improve the action in orden to improve the results based on the dissemination plan.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Minutes of the 3rd EBM

Statements agreed on the 3rd Executive Board Meeting will be collected in a minute.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

1st Annual Progress and Annual Financial Report to the Commission

Report on annual progress and annual financial report will be presented.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Minutes of the 2nd EBM and 1st General Assambly Meeting (GAM)

Statement agreed on 2nd Executive Board Meeting and 1st General Assembly Meeting will be collected in a minute.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Dissemination plan of MyCyFAPP

A detailed dissemination plan with objectives, target, messages and tools used to reach the goals of the WP7 will be send to the EC. The plan will have a detailed structure of the main channels of the communication and the objectives of each one of them.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Nutritional Evaluation report of all the collected FRs

It will include the method and resources applied to perform the nutritional assessment. It will also include the results obtained and the statistical data analyses.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Minutes of the 1st Executive Board Meeting (EBM)

Statements agreed on the 1st Executive Board Meeting will be collected in a minute.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Nutritional Recommendations Guideline for the CF patients

The information generated in WP1 will be analyzed both by nutritionists and pediatric gastroenterologists and will be complied into a Guideline. It will include general recommendations on nutritional and care aspects of the disease and will be integrated as an interactive tool within the APP software.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

MyCyFAPP press release

After the grant agreement signature, MyCyFAPP will be presented in the general media (e.g. newsletters, local newspapers, etc).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Data base with the FRs

A database will be generated to store all the nutritional information collected via the FRs.
This information will be further used both for the nutritional assessment of the diets and for the dishes characterization.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Other 2019-11-28

Protocol for the survey and the FR

A common consensus protocol to develop all the tasks in WP1. It will include specifications on timing and formal aspects.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Nutritional composition database of the selected dishes

We will produce a macro nutritional composition database including not only foods but most frequently consumed dishes in the different participating countries. This database will be included in the software and will allow for the automatic calculation of the nutritional composition of the diet.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Other 2019-11-28

Characterisation of dishes report

Each participant partner in WP1 will provide a detailed report on the most consumed foods and dishes regarding ingredients, size, cooking techniques, etc. This information will be further used in the fats digestibility studies.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28

Kick-off Meeting

A summary of the kick-off meeting will be detailed including list of participants, agenda, minutes, etc.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.1.4. - Topic(s): PHC-26-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-11-28