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Main project factsTOXI-triage project address the operational; technological; ethical and societal dimensions of CBRN response and recovery, and importantly the economic base from which sustainable CBRN and multiuse systems are derivedDistinctive technological attributes of...


Main project facts

TOXI-triage project address the operational; technological; ethical and societal dimensions of CBRN response and recovery, and importantly the economic base from which sustainable CBRN and multiuse systems are derived

Distinctive technological attributes of TOXI-triage include:

Rapid non-invasive assessment of exposure/ injury through monitoring metabolic markers of injury
Managing and exploiting the semantic web
Traceability by design
Aptamer-based biosensing
Casualty-to-discharge system integration
Integrated environmental and stand-off hazard designation.

Distinctive societal attributes of TOXI-triage include:

Needs of all vulnerable groups
inter-cultural/ethnic messages in CBRN response
Fostering economic impact by multiple-uses for the project’s systems.


The main goal for TOXI-triage is to develop and field/trial a new level of medical care and site management during triage within rescue efforts in a CBRN incident.

In order to allows nineteen TOXI-triage consortium partners to focus their efforts distributed in nine different work packages by applying specific, measurable, achievable and realistic objective during project live-cycle following Project Specific objectives have also been defined:

SO1: Accelerated delivery of Situational Awareness.
SO2: Command and Control with secure, dynamic, and seamless communication and with Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted tools for making decisions (The Integrator). Information providing current levels and movement of agents will be blended with the locations, position, and movement of casualties to assist decision making, communication, and site management through central Command and Control. This also includes automatic logging and archiving of events, measurements, forming records of patient care and tools/algorithms for the semantic web.
SO3: Traceable point-of-care diagnostic tests with integrated casualty tracking.
SO4: Comprehensive field toolbox of CBRN threats for end-users
Protocol for the registration of biomarkers of injury from CBRN poisoning with the European Medicines Agency.
SO6: Establish a harmonized European framework for ethical and accountable CBRN operations.
SO7: Establish a Community of Commerce and deliver a commercial vision.

Work performed

Summary of activity
Eighteen partners from seven nations have contributed 38 years and 51 days of research and development into nine work-packages.

In WP 1 (CONOPS) the different concepts of operation used by different military and civilian agencies across the different territories of the European Union have been studied.

WP 2 (CBRN) has established gold-standard analytical methods and data libraries for organophosphorus metabolites and has also produced a comprehensive manual for CBRN sampling operations.

In WP 3 (Clinical) study ethics were obtained ahead of schedule and clinical studies are now underway, ahead of schedule, in Scotland, Norway and Sri Lanka studying metabolite derangement in skin, saliva and breath following radiation burns, exposure to toxic alcohols and organophosphorus poisoning. The development of prototype sampling, and fieldable analytical systems for use in clinic has been expedited to enable them to be included in the clinical studies; also ahead of schedule.

Extensive technology development in WP 4 (Detection) for remote piloted airborne systems (RPAS). Decontamination and site recovery needs with the development of advanced sampling technologies. Design and construction of a trace atmosphere generator for use within field technical exercises (FTX). Evaluative research with live agent has tested hyperspectral technologies for stand-off detection providing training data for software development, and the development of nano-pore methodologies for highly specific and fast bioagent detection is underway.

The geographic information system infrastructure for the technological and operational concepts of TOXI-triage has been the focus of WP 5 (ICT). A data hub to link the different data and information streams into command and control systems has been through design iterations that address the different data standards associated with crisis management, chemical and medical data processing.

Two field technical exercises (FTX) are planned in WP 6 (FTX) and the dates and locations of the FTX have been fixed in Finland and Greece in Q4 2018 and Q2 2019 respectively.

WP 7 (Exploitation) has created a project network in the CBRN and medical community of about 630 contacts. Our dissemination plan has been enacted with 51 presentations to workshops, exhibitions and conferences. Our project website has had 1307 visitors from 65 countries. Entrepreneurship has been a constant theme across the project with the systematic creation and development of 27 business model canvasses supported by interviews and reviews led by business and economic specialists with an established grounding in the security field.

WP 8 (Security and Privacy) has prepared the privacy and security guidelines for the project which are supporting the development of the systems that will protect personal identifiable information and ensure secure authentication and authorisation of users who need to use the data hub. Work has started on reviewing the needs of vulnerable groups and evaluating the current provision in this area. Other activity associated with cross-cultural and social factors along with communications has yet to start.

The project’s activity is managed in WP 9 (Enterprise and innovation management) and gold-standard data protection, data sharing and oversight protocols have been established.
Main Results achieved so far.

WP1. Concepts for Operation established.
WP2. Users’ Manual with protocols for sampling in CBRN contaminated environment.
WP3. Clinical trials begun with accelerated instrument and method development.
WP4. Low weight drift tube for ion mobility spectrometer developed.
WP5- integrated architecture for the Integrator designed and a working prototype produced for the tag and trace system for traceable medical care.
WP6- Planning begun for field exercises and in progress.
WP7. Website established. Exploitation plan finalised. Project networks established.
WP8. Actor Information Table developed an

Final results

D1.1 CONOPS for critical segments for FOCUS and DISPERSE. A systems analysis approach that fosters better dialogue between end users and technology developers and is a valuable training and orientation resource.

D2.1 Manual on CBRN sampling protocols providing an authoritative and comprehensive guide that will provide an international training standard.

D3.1 Prototype sampling system for reproducible non-invasive clinical sampling. Provided, for the first time, open source and detailed information on consolidated methods for volatile organic compound biomarker discovery.

Finally the project has seen the creation of collaboration networks within the junior personnel across the project that has and continues to create future research capacity and leadership. This human capital and its potential contribution to healthier and more secure societies will perhaps become the most enduring and enriching of the project’s impacts and will continued to be nurtured.

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